ART PLUS, 十月 | 誠品線上


商品描述 ART PLUS, 十月:封面故事:消失中的香港習俗─「打小人」VILLAINHITTING,AHONGKONGTRADITIONTHATISFADING只要你生活在這城市裏,身邊的一切都是我們的共同文化,是香港的


內容簡介 封面故事: 消失中的香港習俗─「打小人」 VILLAIN HITTING, A HONG KONG TRADITION THAT IS FADING 只 要你生活在這城市裏,身 邊的一切都是我們的共同 文化,是香港的獨特私有。這些,拉 近了你與我的距離,有些,更令我們 清楚了自己。 首先,我明白你的「與我無關」,但 暫且撇除迷信,擱下是非,假設我們 只在乎一件事背後對文化大體的意 義。在文化的蜘蛛網裏,沒有迷信, 沒有是與非。只要曾經出現過,十 年,百年,都是萬縷中的其中一絲, 所留下的是你與我的共同回憶。少 一份,就是缺了頁的文化大義。 A s long as you live in this city, we have all shared the unique cultures of Hong Kong. These cultures have narrowed the gaps between you and me, and some of them have made us more aware of ourselves. First of all, it is totally understandable that some couldn’t relate to the culture of Villain Hitting. However let us put aside judgments and the ideas of right and wrong, as ultimately there is no such thing called superstition and such ideas called right and wrong in the giant spider web of cultures. Let us assume that we only care about the meaning of one thing to the entire cultural landscape. As long as something has ever existed, whether it is ten years or a hundred years, it has already left a common memory on the history of mankind between you and me, and every single page should be included in the story


產品目錄 Feature: p.2-9 p.2 二零零七年二月復刻版 打小人 p.3 消失中的香港習俗─「打小人」 Villain Hitting, a Hong Kong Tradition that is Fading Away p.4 細說打小人由來 The Origin of Villain Hitting p.5 暴力現場? 神婆專訪 The Site of ’Violence’Exclusive Interview of the Hit-Women p.6-7 不同角度談「小人 」 事 ’Villains’ From Different Perspectives p.8-9 在城市打小人 Hitting Villain in a Big City Advertorial: p.10-17 p.10 當藝術遇見環保 —從展覽「如果我們還有空間」說開來 WHEN ART ENCOUNTERS ENVIRONMENTAL-FRIENDLINESS On the Exhibition of ’The Practice of Everyday Life’ p.11 安樂? ARE YOU AT EASE? p.12 打破表演界限框框 跨界節目西九「晒冷」 WEST KOWLOON PUSHES BOUNDARIES OF ART AND PERFORMANCE With Cross-genre Series Cypher p.13 歐洲藝術交流之旅後記 AN ART EXPEDITION IN EUROPE p.14 「2020台灣美術雙年展」召集有情眾生,齊發藝術之鳴 "SUBZOOLOGY: 2020 TAIWAN BIENNIAL" beckons, inviting all sentient beings to voice their views on art. p.15 MONOLOGUES ON IMAGES AND OBJECTS: Interview with Patrick Gantert on the Solo Exhibition, Homily 圖像與物件的獨白: 專訪派翠克甘特個展「感召」 p.16 2020 ART KAOHSIUNG 高雄藝術博覽會 p.17 藍天之下:我們時代的精神狀況 BETWEEN EARTH AND THE SKY: The spiritual state of our times 未完成 . 黃華成 An Open Ending: Huang Hua-Cheng Book: p.18 宛如走路的速度 : 我的日常、創作與世界 Music: p.19 悼念紐約電音先鋒 Silver Apples 靈魂人物 Simeon Coxe (1938 – 2020)


商品名 / ART PLUS, 十月
簡介 / ART PLUS, 十月:封面故事:消失中的香港習俗─「打小人」VILLAINHITTING,AHONGKONGTRADITIONTHATISFADING只要你生活在這城市裏,身邊的一切都是我們的共同文化,是香港的
誠品26碼 / 2680637174107
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 1:中文 繁體
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : 中雜推薦
