ART PLUS, 八月 | 誠品線上




內容簡介 封面故事: 教育線上座談: 從「當下」中學習,藝術與教育在 2020「新」香港下的衝擊與應變 EDUCATION ONLINE SEMINAR: LEARNING FROM THE PRESENT: THE IMPACT AND RESILIENCE OF ARTS AND EDUCATION IN THE NEW HONG KONG 2020 2002年 a.m. Post 邀請了香港各藝術文化碩士課程的院校代表,分享了課程設計的策略及市場區隔性。隨著各國教育政策與市場流轉,連續幾年 a.m. post Art Plus 藉著教育專輯探討國際與鄰近國家 的教育議題,回觀自己也藉照他人。2007年以各院校的碩士課程發展,再次邀請各院校的藝術碩士課程負責人做客,回顧五年來課程的轉變與增設科目,重新審視藝術碩士課程在即使如今藝術市場佔領軍地位的香港,如何藉由碩士課程培育最能適應時勢的藝術行政人與創作者? In 2002, a.m. Post once invited representatives from various Hong Kong's art and cultural master courses, to share the strategies of course design as well as market segmentation. With the changes of educational policies and markets in different countries, a.m. post Art Plus has discussed educational issues in international and neighboring countries in education-themed issues for several years, reflecting on ourselves and others. In 2007, based on the development of master's programmes in various institutions, we once again invited the persons in charge from art master programmes of different colleges, to review the changes of the courses and curriculum, and see how to cultivate art administrators and artists who can best adapt to the current situation through the master's programme, in Hong Kong where the art market has become dominant.


產品目錄 Feature: p.2-9「當下」中學習,藝術與教育在2020「新」香衝 EDUCATION ONLINE SEMINAR: Learning from the Present: The Impact and Resilience of Arts and Education in the New Hong Kong 2020 p.3-4 藝術碩士過去的發展與未來的發展 The Past and Future Developments of MFA p.5 藝術碩士的特點與價值所在, 對學生未來的職業規劃有何幫助? What is the unique value and specialisation of MFA, and how does it impact students’ career p.6 在線教學的機遇與挑戰? What are the challenges and solutions of online teaching? p.8 全球疫情讓世界形勢發生了難以逆轉的變化。社交媒體與在線教學,未來是否會成為藝術碩士項目的主流? COVID-19 altered the world and there seems to be no way back. Will social media and online learning become the future trend of MA programmes? Advertorial: p.10 p.10-11 ASPIRATION OF THE “YOUNG HEART”REVEALED BY DIVERSIFIED ARTS CREATION Hong Kong Baptist University Academy of Visual Arts AVA BA Graduation Exhibition 2020 多元藝術創作呈現「赤子」初心 香港浸會大學視覺藝術院本科畢業展2020 a+SPECIAL : p.14 季綾。悸動 Advertorial: p.15-17 p.15 Where Is My Home In This Ole Wide World? - Written Before the Premiere of Dance-Drama The Last Dance 天地之大,哪里才是我家? —寫在舞劇《最後一夜》首演之前 TAIWAN EAST COAST LAND ARTS FESTIVAL 2020東海岸大地藝術節 p.16 《粵樂茶韻》 — 茶館劇場新節目速寫 THE POINT OF VIEW AND VOCABULARY OF IMAGES Henri Cartier-Bresson: China, 1948-1949 1958 影像的觀點語彙 —「布列松在中國 1948-1949 | 1958」展 THE FLUID JOURNEY OF CULTURAL DIPLOMACY The Secret South: from Cold War Perspective to Global South in Museum Collection 文化外交的流動旅程 —「秘密南方:典藏作品中的冷戰視角及全球南方」 Book: p.18 劇變的新時代 Les Temps nouveaux Music: p.19 疫情下面世的香港獨立音樂專輯 南洋派對.Lok.TYNT


商品名 / ART PLUS, 八月
誠品26碼 / 2680637174084
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 1:中文 繁體
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : 中雜推薦
