內容簡介 故事改編自莎翁名劇,為好萊塢知名男星【為愛朗讀】雷夫范恩斯初執導筒之首部劇情長片作品,以現代場景重現過去歷史,並邀請【300壯士】性格男星傑瑞德巴特勒共同主演。故事描述一名戰功卓著的羅馬士兵科利奧蘭納斯,剛愎自用的個性且極端的想法引發旁人的反感,在某些政客的操弄下,科利奧蘭納斯被驅逐出羅馬境內。憤怒的科利奧蘭納斯決定逃往敵營、投靠昔日的敵人奧菲迪阿斯,並對羅馬城展開攻擊…。The citizens of Rome are hungry. Coriolanus, the hero of Rome, a great soldier and a man of inflexible self-belief despises the people. His extreme views ignite a mass riot. Rome is bloody. Manipulated and out-maneuvered by politicians and even his own mother Volumnia, Coriolanus is banished from Rome. He offers his life or his services to his sworn enemy Tullus Aufidius. Coriolanus and Aufidius march on Rome intending to destroy the city. Volumnia appeals to her son. He tries to reject her but eventually breaks. Aufidius, feeling bitterly betrayed, brutally murders Coriolanus.