內容簡介 ★迪斯可舞曲之王 Boney M.創團首腦Frank Farian,重新翻玩著名聖誕歌曲,進口CD版 ★收錄多首聖誕金曲,由Frank Farian妙手以Boney M.風格重新編曲,全新的聖誕狂歡迪斯可體驗 曲目1 Happy Birthday Jesus (Intro) 2 Carol of the Bells (For One and All) 3 Ave Maria 4 White Mountains 5 Tula Baba 6 Lonely Bell (I Hear Voices) 7 Like Diamonds in the Sky 8 Oh Christmas Day 9 Lullaby 10 Feliz Navidad all Over 11 Music from Heaven 12 Happy Birthday Jesus 13 Hallelujah (Michael Row the Boat...) 14 Now it's Christmas Time 15 Last Mananitas 16 Christmas Medley 1981 (Remastered 2017) Silent Night Oh Christmas Tree White Christmas 17 Christmas Medley 1983 (Remastered 2017) Petit Papa Noël Hark the Herald Angel Sing Zion's Daughter