Come with Me | 誠品線上

Come with Me

作者 Linde Faas
商品描述 Come with Me:遨遊想像力無極限女孩帶著氣球、畫筆與畫紙來到男孩的房間,你覺得男孩現在是什麼樣的狀態呢?男孩剛起床?純粹今天不想做任何事情?或者男孩生病了嗎?在這


內容簡介 遨遊想像力無極限女孩帶著氣球、畫筆與畫紙來到男孩的房間,你覺得男孩現在是什麼樣的狀態呢?男孩剛起床?純粹今天不想做任何事情?或者男孩生病了嗎?在這本無字繪本裡,讀者可以自己詮釋每個畫面的意義。接下來就讓你的想像力,來引導你閱讀這本無字繪本吧!女孩與男孩隨著氣球與想像力,一同欣賞了熱帶鳥類、探索了冰天雪地裡的風景,遇見了企鵝群;潛入海洋欣賞多彩的海底世界、深入充滿生命力的叢林探險…直到回家時間,兩人才從想像的奇幻世界回來。你呢?透過你的視角與想像力魔法,從這本無字繪本中你看到了什麼呢?Linde Faas, a virtuoso of humorous drawing, surprises, amazes and enchants her readers with her picture book debut Come with Me.A girl enters the bedroom of a boy carrying a balloon, drawing paper and pencils. Did he just wake up? Is he having a lazy day? Is he ill? You can make up your own story in this wordless picture book.Let your imagination guide you while the children are whirled around the world – by the big balloon and their fantasy – past tropical birds and winter landscapes full of penguins, and from a colourful underwater world to a vibrant green jungle, until it is time to return home.A book that will inspire thousands of stories: about reality and fantasy, about adventures and friendship, about the magic of drawing – the possibilities are endless."


作者介紹 Linde Faas graduated with honours at the art academy of Breda, the Netherlands. She works as an artist and animator of cartoons, and internationally as an illustrator. For Lemniscaat she illustrated, amongst others, the non-fiction titles Cola Fountains and Splattering Paint Bombs, and Spurting Arteries and Flooding Oceans with Jesse Goossens.


書名 / Come with Me
作者 / Linde Faas
簡介 / Come with Me:遨遊想像力無極限女孩帶著氣球、畫筆與畫紙來到男孩的房間,你覺得男孩現在是什麼樣的狀態呢?男孩剛起床?純粹今天不想做任何事情?或者男孩生病了嗎?在這
ISBN13 / 9781788070355
ISBN10 / 1788070356
EAN / 9781788070355
誠品26碼 / 2681842008003
頁數 / 40
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 33.5X25.1X0.6CM
級別 / N:無
