Potty Music | 誠品線上

Potty Music

作者 Guido van Genechten
出版社 Ingram Publishers Services
商品描述 Potty Music:戒尿布,輕鬆搞定!音樂輔助+故事引導,完成如廁訓練!俏皮音樂|歐洲專家設計,加深孩子對如廁的身體記憶!有趣故事|引導孩子自然習慣小馬桶,輕鬆完成如


內容簡介 戒尿布,輕鬆搞定!音樂輔助+故事引導,完成如廁訓練!俏皮音樂|歐洲專家設計,加深孩子對如廁的身體記憶!有趣故事|引導孩子自然習慣小馬桶,輕鬆完成如廁訓練!多角設定|11位小小動物音樂家陪伴,孩子學習更有動力!漂亮插畫|用色豐富、造形可愛,健全孩子五感發展!你聽過「噗噗樂」嗎?沒聽過?真的嗎?來吧!快來參加世界上最好玩的「噗噗音樂會」!別忘了拿出你的小馬桶,一起演奏喔!Introducing the first-ever orchestra made up of potty sounds. Yes, you heard that right . . . potty sounds. Keep your ears open (and your noses closed) and read along. We dare you not to laugh. And we invite you to grab your own potty and join in the fun!A wonderful potty book with real music for potty musicians ages 2 and up."


作者介紹 Guido van GenechtenGuido van Genechten (1957, Belgium) studied drawing and painting, graphics and photography. Afterwards he worked for many years in the graphic industry. Now Guido works as a fulltime illustrator of children’s books. In 1998 he won the international Illustrator’s Award City of Hasselt with his picture book Ricky. This prize was the beginning of his international career as a children’s book illustrator. Since that moment, Guido van Genechten has created many best-selling stories and received several awards. In 2007 he was the winner of the Reader’s Digest Award for Best Children’s Book Illustrator. And in the past ten years his books were published in 30 countries around the world.


書名 / Potty Music
作者 / Guido van Genechten
簡介 / Potty Music:戒尿布,輕鬆搞定!音樂輔助+故事引導,完成如廁訓練!俏皮音樂|歐洲專家設計,加深孩子對如廁的身體記憶!有趣故事|引導孩子自然習慣小馬桶,輕鬆完成如
出版社 / Ingram Publishers Services
ISBN13 / 9781605374000
ISBN10 / 1605374008
EAN / 9781605374000
誠品26碼 / 2681561423002
頁數 / 32
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 25X20CM
級別 / N:無
