Mallko and Dad | 誠品線上

Mallko and Dad

作者 Gusti
出版社 Ingram Publishers Services
商品描述 Mallko and Dad:父與子單純的快樂本書是畫家Gusti和兒子Mallko日常手札。Mallko不是一般的孩子,他是唐寶寶。Gusti用多元的藝術風格、色鉛筆素描、拼貼、安迪沃和普普風的


內容簡介 父與子 單純的快樂本書是畫家Gusti和兒子Mallko日常手札。Mallko不是一般的孩子,他是唐寶寶。 Gusti用多元的藝術風格、色鉛筆素描、拼貼、安迪沃和普普風的Mallko照…等記錄自己的孩子,像是玩吉他、玩帽子,一個簡單的戴帽、脫帽動作,畫家可以畫出18張圖-用力扯帽、遮到自己眼睛、側頭、大笑…,想必Mallko很自得其樂,而和Mallko互動的Gusti也把簡單的快樂烙進心裡。Gusti還在紙上畫豬鼻子、兔耳朵,不用剪裁,直接放到鼻子當小豬或放頭上當兔子,大孩子和小孩子 一起玩開。整本書滿滿都是爸爸對孩子的愛!本書為2016年波隆那身心障礙領域類選書。 Gusti 出生於阿根廷,非營利組織Windown-La Ventana創辦人。A diary, journal, and illustrated story all at the same time written by a father about his son, Mallko, who has Down Syndrome. This book, which was selected as the best book in the disability category by the Bologna Book Fair in 2016, comes as a call and a revelation.Born in Argentina, Gusti studied advertising design at the Escola d'Art Fernando Fade and has lived in Europe since 1985. He first worked in Paris and currently lives in Barcelona where, as well as working as an illustrator, he also gives classes in illustration at schools, libraries, and cultural centers. He co-founded the nonprofit association Windown-La Ventana, which works towards building a more inclusive society. Gusti lives with his family in Barcelona.


作者介紹 Born in Argentina, Gusti studied advertising design at the Escola d'Art Fernando Fade and has lived in Europe since 1985. He first worked in Paris and currently lives in Barcelona where, as well as working as an illustrator, he teaches illustration classes at schools, libraries and cultural centers. Gusti also co-founded the nonprofit association Windown-La Ventana to work for a more inclusive society. He lives in Barcelona, Spain.


書名 / Mallko and Dad
作者 / Gusti
簡介 / Mallko and Dad:父與子單純的快樂本書是畫家Gusti和兒子Mallko日常手札。Mallko不是一般的孩子,他是唐寶寶。Gusti用多元的藝術風格、色鉛筆素描、拼貼、安迪沃和普普風的
出版社 / Ingram Publishers Services
ISBN13 / 9781592702596
ISBN10 / 1592702597
EAN / 9781592702596
誠品26碼 / 2681619810006
頁數 / 120
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 24.1X17.8CM
級別 / N:無