The Elephant | 誠品線上

The Elephant

作者 Jenni Desmond
出版社 Ingram Publishers Services
商品描述 The Elephant:跟著小男孩翻閱故事書,認識大象吧(男孩房間的地毯、書櫃、娃娃也都是大象喔)!你知道大象有非洲象和亞洲象之別嗎?非洲象不管公的母的都有象牙,而亞洲象


內容簡介 跟著小男孩翻閱故事書,認識大象吧(男孩房間的地毯、書櫃、娃娃也都是大象喔)!你知道大象有非洲象和亞洲象之別嗎?非洲象不管公的母的都有象牙,而亞洲象的公象有象牙,母象沒有。非洲象鼻子尾端有兩個指狀突起,而亞洲象鼻子只有一個。象牙功能多多,可以挖掘食物、遊戲甚或打架,更是象鼻休息的好地方。大象也有右撇子或左撇子:他們慣用某一邊的象牙。象牙長度可以達約8呎長,大約是2個七歲男孩身高相加。另外,大象有很好的聽力,6哩遠的地方都聽到聲音,而大象雖然體型巨大,但是它們可是用腳尖走路,因此走起路來可是很優雅的呢!這是Jenni Desmond的第三本知識書,前兩本為《The Polar Bear》、《The Blue Whale》。In this, Jenni Desmond’s third nonfiction children’s book about one of the large, endangered animals of Earth, we join a young boy as he learns about The Elephant.From Africa to Asia, the elephant makes its home. Light on their feet, despite their great weight, these magnificent creatures appear light and graceful because they’re always walking on their tip-toes. They have excellent hearing and can detect the rumblings of other elephants from six miles away. And, just like humans being right handed or left handed, elephants can be right tusked or left tusked! The recipient of the 2016 New York Times Best Illustrated award for her book The Polar Bear, Desmond creates illustrations that are scientifically accurate, strikingly detailed, and beautifully rendered in collage, paint, and colored pencil."


作者介紹 A graduate of the renowned MA program in Children's Book Illustration at the Cambridge School of Art (ARU), Jenni works from her studio in London, UK. She uses collage, paint, and colored pencils to create her artwork, which she then scans and edits by computer. Jenni strives to make her illustrations entertaining, beautiful, and funny in equal measure. Her first picture book, Red Cat, Blue Cat, won the Cambridgeshire ""Read it Again"" Picture Book Award in 2013.


書名 / The Elephant
作者 / Jenni Desmond
簡介 / The Elephant:跟著小男孩翻閱故事書,認識大象吧(男孩房間的地毯、書櫃、娃娃也都是大象喔)!你知道大象有非洲象和亞洲象之別嗎?非洲象不管公的母的都有象牙,而亞洲象
出版社 / Ingram Publishers Services
ISBN13 / 9781592702640
ISBN10 / 1592702643
EAN / 9781592702640
誠品26碼 / 2681619809000
頁數 / 48
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 29.6X20.8CM
級別 / N:無