Elephant Wellyphant | 誠品線上

Elephant Wellyphant

作者 Nick Sharratt
出版社 Scholastic UK
商品描述 Elephant Wellyphant:Abrilliantboardbookfrombestsellingauthor-illustrator,NickSharratt.Lifttheflapstorevealyourfavouriteelephant!WillitbetheFruitJellyphant,Cind


內容簡介 鬼才繪本作家Nick Sharratt,這次要聯合好多不同的大象,和你一起玩文字遊戲!大家都知道Elephant是大象的英文,不過從Elephant這個字,可以變出好多讓你料想不到的「意象」,你相信嗎?這一點都不難,我們一起來看看吧!Elephant是大象,那如果大象穿著橡膠靴(Welly),就會變成Wellyphant。有臭臭味道(Smell)的大象登場,動動手指拉拉他的尾巴,嗚哇…臭臭象不小心放屁了!原來你是隻Rude Smelliphant。你怎麼了?看起來不太開心,我們一起動動小手翻翻頁,為Ciderellaphant加油!翻頁後,Ciderellaphant搖身一變,成了真正的仙杜瑞拉象!小翻頁、拉拉機關與轉盤設計,Elephant混搭不同的元素,具趣味性與遊戲感十足的大象們就在你眼前!快翻開書頁,和這些令人驚奇大象們一起互動吧!A brilliant board book from bestselling author-illustrator, Nick Sharratt.Lift the flaps to reveal your favourite elephant! Will it be the Fruit Jellyphant, Cinderellaphant, or maybe the stinky Rude Smelliphant? There's an elephant for everyone in this utterly original comic masterpiece.Now in a handy board book edition that's perfectfor young children. Collect them all: Moo-Cow Kung-Fu Cow, Octopus Socktopus and Elephant Wellyphant.Amazon reviews for Elephant Wellyphant: "So good, we bought it twice! " - Raisin Bean "Fabulous book for pre-schoolers " - M Ely "FANTASTIC BOOK, highly recommend " - Sue Bell "Best book ever " - H Mercer"


書名 / Elephant Wellyphant
作者 / Nick Sharratt
簡介 / Elephant Wellyphant:Abrilliantboardbookfrombestsellingauthor-illustrator,NickSharratt.Lifttheflapstorevealyourfavouriteelephant!WillitbetheFruitJellyphant,Cind
出版社 / Scholastic UK
ISBN13 / 9781407189451
ISBN10 / 140718945X
EAN / 9781407189451
誠品26碼 / 2681766823003
頁數 / 18
注音版 /
裝訂 / B:兒童厚紙板書
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 17.5X16.4X1.6CM
級別 / N:無
材質 /
