Sounds of Nature: World of Oceans | 誠品線上

Sounds of Nature: World of Oceans

作者 Claire Grace
出版社 Quarto Publishing Group UK
商品描述 Sounds of Nature: World of Oceans:TraveltheworldwithWideEyed’sSoundsofNatureseriesandpressthenoteoneachpagetohearover60separatemarineanimalsounds,exploringten


內容簡介 按鍵書有聲書 收錄60種海洋動物 你聽過海洋動物的聲音嗎?這本自然之聲—海洋世界, 附有有聲按鈕,收錄了難得有機會聽到的海洋動物聲音,超過60種!有北象鼻海豹的鼻息聲、小白鯨快樂的啁啾聲、擬鱷龜生氣吼叫聲、甘氏巨螯尖銳聲、箭毒蛙高音頻的咔噠聲、大白鯊拍水聲…。書上介紹各種海域的海洋動物:在太平洋,有龜鱉類中體型最大的革龜、喜歡旋轉跳躍的體操選手--飛旋海豚、頭上有錘子的雙髻鯊;到冰天的極地,有小白鯨、雪雁、游隼、雪鴞;珊瑚礁海域,座頭鯨、儒艮、槍蝦、寬吻海豚、魔鬼海星…。 除此之外,也橫跨各國:從佛羅里達沼澤、舊金山海灣、英國康瓦耳岩池、印尼島嶼、馬里亞納海溝、巴西沿海、開普敦沙岸…讀完此書,對海域及其動物分佈有更完整的認識。Travel the world with Wide Eyed’s Sounds of Nature series and press the note on each page to hear over 60 separate marine animal sounds, exploring ten habitats as you go. You’ll hear the squawk of penguins in the antarctic, the squeaks of dolphins in the pacific ocean, and the splash of a great white shark leaping out of the water to seize a seal. Learn fascinating facts about the animals who live in these amazing places, then use the number key to listen out for each one when you press the note."


作者介紹 Robert Hunter is a London based illustrator who works with traditional drawing and printing techniques to produce his otherworldly picture narratives. His clients include The New York Times, The Guardian, V&A, Picador, BBC, and Latitude Festival. His previous books include The Land of Nod (Flying Eye, 2016) and The Jungle Book (Frances Lincoln, 2016).


書名 / Sounds of Nature: World of Oceans
作者 / Claire Grace
簡介 / Sounds of Nature: World of Oceans:TraveltheworldwithWideEyed’sSoundsofNatureseriesandpressthenoteoneachpagetohearover60separatemarineanimalsounds,exploringten
出版社 / Quarto Publishing Group UK
ISBN13 / 9781786037930
ISBN10 / 1786037939
EAN / 9781786037930
誠品26碼 / 2681716356001
頁數 / 24
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
