內容簡介 你知道不同字母開頭的恐龍嗎?依照a-z順序的話,Apatosaurus雷龍、Brachiosaurus脕龍…,Zuniceratops祖尼角龍。本書依照字母順序,介紹不同主題,主題A就是 alphabet字母,主題B是bird,主題C是creepy crawlies…到主題Z是zoo。每個主題有不同字母的26個單字,但不依順序排列,小朋友得找找a開頭的單字在哪裡?b開頭的呢?例如,主題B是鳥類,a有albatross信天翁,b有bluebird藍鳥,c是cockatoo鳳頭鸚鵡…z是zebra finch胸前有斑馬紋的麻雀;主題C是creepy crawlies爬行昆蟲類,有aphid蚜蟲、beetle甲蟲…tarantula 塔蘭托毒蜘蛛。依序,到最後目錄Z是動物園,管理員開著Z型小火車,載著aardvark食蟻獸、baboon狒狒…walrus 海象、zebra斑馬畫下句點。26個主題單字藏在各處,頗有尋找威利的樂趣。Take a ride through 26 fully-illustrated alphabets, each one an A to Z of things to spot. From an A to Z of Birds (A is for Albatross, B is for Bluebird), to an A to Z of Zoo (A is for Aardvark, B is for Baboon), this is an alphabet of alphabets. Jam-packed full of funny things to spot and plenty of Where's Wally-style humour, this the best way to learn your ABCs and lots of new words as well!"