Plantopedia: Welcome to the Greatest Show on Earth | 誠品線上

Plantopedia: Welcome to the Greatest Show on Earth

作者 Adrienne Barman
出版社 Quarto Publishing Group UK
商品描述 Plantopedia: Welcome to the Greatest Show on Earth:有別於以往的植物百科,用截然不同的有趣方式認識植物!總是覺得百科類書籍無聊透頂嗎?植物?又有什麼特別的地方嗎


內容簡介 有別於以往的植物百科,用截然不同的有趣方式認識植物!總是覺得百科類書籍無聊透頂嗎?植物?又有什麼特別的地方嗎?閱讀這本《Plantopedia》,相信一定能讓你對以上想法大大改觀!從目錄的編排方式就可以看出作者的幽默,「空氣清香劑」、「大食怪」、「需要手剝的水果」、「全黑植物」…等,再藉由一個個場景,將這些神奇的植物一一介紹給你!如果說要清淨空氣,到底應該要在家裡栽種哪些植物呢?試試看放一棵「岳母的舌頭」吧!好奇「Mother in Law’s Tongue」是什麼植物嗎?快翻開書來看看它的廬山真面目!關於各種不同類型的植物,都可以在這本百科裡找到樂趣!Welcome to this collection of amazing plants from all over the world, chosen for their unique traits and characteristics, with fun illustrations by Adrienne Barman. Meet the 'evergreens', the 'edibles' and the 'elderly' plants that have outlived the dinosaurs in this alphabetically-ordered encyclopedia. Filled with fascinating flowers, curious crops and wonderful weeds, this book will keep young explorers busy for hours. A fantastic follow-up to smash-hit Creaturepedia."


作者介紹 About the AuthorAdrienne Barman spent her childhood in the highlands of Southern Switzerland and obtained her graphics diploma at Lugano. In 2001 she moved to Geneva, where she worked for five years with the collective SO2 Design while also working with Le Courrier. She also enjoyed being close to wildlife there. Since 2007 she has devoted herself to illustrating for publishing and press.


書名 / Plantopedia: Welcome to the Greatest Show on Earth
作者 / Adrienne Barman
簡介 / Plantopedia: Welcome to the Greatest Show on Earth:有別於以往的植物百科,用截然不同的有趣方式認識植物!總是覺得百科類書籍無聊透頂嗎?植物?又有什麼特別的地方嗎
出版社 / Quarto Publishing Group UK
ISBN13 / 9781786031389
ISBN10 / 1786031388
EAN / 9781786031389
誠品26碼 / 2681541161009
頁數 / 200
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 25.5X18.5CM
級別 / N:無
