內容簡介 芬蘭藝術家,亦為芬蘭知名品牌Marimekko的品牌設計師:Aino-Maija Metsola,有新作出擊囉!為兩歲以上的幼兒所設計,針對幼兒概念發展與入門字彙的學習認知書。內含12幅可展開的學習海報,大開本設計,孩子可將自己喜歡的圖表,撕下來貼在牆上,加強學習印象。另外,每張海報所呈現的主題也不盡相同,有基本的顏色、數數、形狀、相反概念、更包含了海洋生物、非洲動物等等多元的主題規劃,書內亦有問答活動規劃,這本富含設計感與多元互動的遊戲書,讓幼兒學習富含樂趣!12 pull-out posters featuring first words and early concepts, with an activity book at the rear.A series of 12 educational posters for readers 2+, featuring concept and first word charts from leading Finnish artist Aino-Maija Metsola. Sold in a quality, oversized format, little ones can tear off each chart and post it up on their wall. Each poster is themed differently: Colours, Counting, Shapes, Opposites, The Seasons, Farm Animals, Sea Creatures, Safari, Cats and Dogs, Fruit and Vegetables. Another offering in our Learning Garden series that also makes for great gift product."
作者介紹 About the AuthorAINO-MAIJA'S iconic textile and ceramic designs are stocked in more than 30,000 stores worldwide - they have become a known graphic style of modern design. These are her first books for children.