內容簡介 震撼的視覺效果,用「有色」視角觀覽視界十大生態區 用三種顏色的色濾鏡,來看剛果雨林、羅蒙湖、辛普森沙漠、阿波環礁…等世界知名的生態景點中的動植物。米蘭藝術家Carnovsky以大跨頁呈現巨幅、栩栩如生的動植物繪像,帶來視覺上的震撼感。乍看是五顏六色的線條抽象畫,透過不同的色濾鏡,可以觀看到同一頁面上出現日間、夜晚出沒的動物,以及生長的植物。戴上「有色眼鏡」 找動物去紅的、黃的、綠的、藍的… 這麼多線條重疊,分的清誰是誰嗎?沒關係有三色鏡法寶(紅綠藍) 來幫忙喔!用藍色鏡來看夜行性動物:在光線微弱的世界裡,牠們只能靠超能力在影子下生存;使用紅色鏡看看白天的生物:萬物吸收太陽的精華,小至蝴蝶大至狒狒,都各有一套生存之道!另外茂密叢林、寬闊的草原和海底的礁石,生命也精彩萬分,全書多達180種動物,等著你戴上有色眼鏡來尋寶。Explore ten of the world's most diverse environments and reveal their hidden secrets with a magic, three-coloured lens that illuminates each page in a kaleidoscope of colour.Discover the dark and mysterious creatures of the night, whose super-sensory powers allow them to live and survive in the shadows, then switch the lens to step into daylight, where the heat of the sun supercharges the secret lives of creatures big and small. Finally, use the third lens to reveal the luscious plant life of every habitat as you travel through a jungle, a reef, grasslands, woodland and uncover a world that never sleeps with Milan-based design-duo, Carnovsky.