內容簡介 小手摸一摸,探索工程遊戲書來囉!關於工程的一切,體驗小小工程師的樂趣,讓我們透過這本遊戲書準備開工囉!工地施工的場景有哪些?凹凸不平的道路摸起來是如何?混凝土要如何才能鋪得平整呢?動動小手摸一摸,感官觸覺開發好驚奇!小翻頁小機關藏在哪裡?就跟親臨工程現場一般,有好多細節等著小寶貝去發掘,動動手指頭,訓練手部小肌肉,讓孩子邊玩邊探索!Bumpy roads, rough wood beams, and smooth concrete―there's so much to discover in this Touch and ExploreTM book that's all about construction!Touch and ExploreTM, the critically acclaimed multisensory series created to encourage hands-on play and learning, invites children to find out about construction―and much more―right at the tip of their finger!"
作者介紹 Stéphanie Babin is an author of books for young children, particularly nonfiction and interactive titles. She lives in Paris, France.Benjamin Bécue is an illustrator with a degree from EPSAA (école Professionnelle Supérieure d'Arts graphiques et d'Architecture de la Ville de Paris). He mainly works in advertising, and has illustrated a number of children's books. He lives in Montreuil, France.