內容簡介 你知道哪一隻恐龍的背棘骨最大嗎?誰的脖子最長?這本恐龍書的編排不依年代,而是依照恐龍的部位為主題排列:帆狀物、背脊、蹼、頭冠等,介紹每個部位不同的功用──帆狀物的長背脊可以幫助降溫或保暖,頭冠可以用來攻擊,此外有的恐龍也有蹼,好幫助他們在海底移動,像是克柔龍,牠長得就像大白鯊一樣。本書畫風可愛樸拙、顏色鮮明,小恐龍迷絕對會驚艷連連。Vibrantly illustrated by Creature Features creator Natasha Durley, this is a dinosaur book with a difference. Each page is bursting with unusual creatures from the time of the dinosaurs, all united by a common characteristic. From long necks to terrific teeth, and from tyrannosaurs to ancient turtles, this eclectic collection of species celebrates the diversity of the dinosaurs and the animals they lived alongside. And with something to look for on every page, it's guaranteed to inspire and fascinate young dinosaur lovers."