The Atlas of Heroes and Heroines | 誠品線上

英雄地圖: 世界各地的偉大人物-阿基里斯、貝奧武夫、大尖哥與水社姊等等

作者 珊卓拉.勞倫絲
出版社 Templar Company PLC.
商品描述 The Atlas of Heroes and Heroines:世界上各個文化,一定都會不凡的英雄與巾幗,在他們的時代,創造出屬於他們自己的神話!以國家或區域性的方式分類,搭配地圖呈現出在這


內容簡介 世界上各個文化,一定都會不凡的英雄與巾幗,在他們的時代,創造出屬於他們自己的神話!以國家或區域性的方式分類,搭配地圖呈現出在這片土地上,曾經有哪些英雄事蹟。如希臘神話的海克力斯;太平洋區域的毛伊;日本的神功皇后…等。這些不凡、聰明及勇敢的人物,你都認識他們嗎?引人入勝的故事敘述,認識這些人物的生命故事,認識各個文化的傳奇英雄!Cultures all over the world have great heroes and heroines whose exploits have made them the stuff of legend.In this wondrously illustrated atlas, explore some of the great figures of mythology and their incredible exploits. From Heracles of Greece, to Maui of the Pacific, to the Empress Jingu of Japan, The Atlas of Heroes and Heroines is full of fascinating stories of bravery and cunning.From the author and illustrator of The Atlas of Monsters.


作者介紹 Sandra LawrenceSandra Lawrence is an author and journalist from London. She is the author of two history books for age 9-12: Grisly History: Death and Destruction and Grisly History: Trials and Treachery, for Weldon Owen. Sandra has written for all the broadsheets and regularly contributes features to the Daily and Sunday Telegraph. She has also written for magazines, including Marie Claire and Country Life.Stuart Hill Stuart Hill is an illustrator and designer from Lincolnshire, England. He studied illustration at the University of Lincoln. His clients include Life and Style magazine, Proctor & Clarke and Autoweek magazine. He is especially interested in printed textures, hand-lettering and map illustration.


書名 / The Atlas of Heroes and Heroines
作者 / 珊卓拉.勞倫絲
簡介 / The Atlas of Heroes and Heroines:世界上各個文化,一定都會不凡的英雄與巾幗,在他們的時代,創造出屬於他們自己的神話!以國家或區域性的方式分類,搭配地圖呈現出在這
出版社 / Templar Company PLC.
ISBN13 / 9781787412606
ISBN10 / 1787412601
EAN / 9781787412606
誠品26碼 / 2681553487005
頁數 / 64
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 34X27CM
級別 / N:無
