There are Fish Everywhere | 誠品線上

There are Fish Everywhere

作者 Britta Teckentrup
出版社 Templar Company PLC.
商品描述 There are Fish Everywhere:到處都有魚你可以在哪裡看到魚呢?清澈水裡、珊瑚礁,可以。其實,在冰下也可以看到魚,更可以在沙漠裡發現魚的蹤跡。到處都有魚,大的小的,


內容簡介 到處都有魚你可以在哪裡看到魚呢?清澈水裡、珊瑚礁,可以。其實,在冰下也可以看到魚,更可以在沙漠裡發現魚的蹤跡。到處都有魚,大的小的,多刺的,扁扁的,像馬的,有大翅膀的,和沙子顏色一樣讓人很難找到的…。他們的顏色有黑的、黃的、紅的、綠的、有條紋的、斑點的、z字紋的…本書由《Tree: Seasons Come, Seasons Go 》Britta Teckentrup插畫,以豐富飽滿的插畫,帶讀者認識魚的棲息地、外觀和習性、生存之道,像是小魚們為什麼總是成群結隊游在一起呢?原來是為了避免被吃掉啊!There are fish everywhere! Some of them live in fresh water, some of them live under ice, and some even live in the desert.There are Fish Everywhere is the first in a series of non-fiction books from Britta Teckentrup. Young readers will learn where in the world all sorts of animals can be found and all the weird and wonderful things that they never imagined were true.This is non-fiction with spark and personality from a much-loved illustrator."


作者介紹 About the AuthorBritta Teckentrup is a fine artist who has written and illustrated many well-loved books for children, including Big Smelly Bear. Born in Hamburg, Germany, she later studied at St Martin's College of Art and the Royal College of Art in London.


書名 / There are Fish Everywhere
作者 / Britta Teckentrup
簡介 / There are Fish Everywhere:到處都有魚你可以在哪裡看到魚呢?清澈水裡、珊瑚礁,可以。其實,在冰下也可以看到魚,更可以在沙漠裡發現魚的蹤跡。到處都有魚,大的小的,
出版社 / Templar Company PLC.
ISBN13 / 9781787410763
ISBN10 / 1787410765
EAN / 9781787410763
誠品26碼 / 2681553473008
頁數 / 40
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 30X23.5CM
級別 / N:無