The Atlas of Monsters | 誠品線上

妖怪地圖: 世界各地的神祕生物 雪怪、狗靈、年獸、鳥身女妖等等

作者 珊卓拉.勞倫絲
出版社 Templar Company PLC.
商品描述 The Atlas of Monsters:充滿文化厚度的抓怪指南帶領讀者尋找世界各地神話故事及民間傳說中的山怪、龍、半獸人、海怪、妖精、巨人。從眾所周知的尼斯湖水怪,到澳洲北部阿


內容簡介 充滿文化厚度的抓怪指南帶領讀者尋找世界各地神話故事及民間傳說中的山怪、龍、半獸人、海怪、妖精、巨人。從眾所周知的尼斯湖水怪,到澳洲北部阿納姆地區、白天睡覺晚上吸血的腐爛魚骨頭;從古典希臘神話中看守冥界入口的三頭犬到美猴王孫悟空......One day a collection of very old maps in found in a dusty library. They show where in the world monsters from mythology and folklore can be found. According to the notes left with them they were made by Cornelius Walters, an intrepid explorer from the 15th century. But did Walters really make these elaborate maps, or is it all a hoax? The librarian who discovered them is not certain ... and what are the strange messages in a cryptic code that Walters records in his ship's log?Inside this wonderous atlas are trolls and dragons, minotaurs and krackens, goblins and giants ... and there is a puzzle to solve.Stuart Hill's spectacular illustrations evoke the beauty of a medieval map, but with a contemporary twist."


書名 / The Atlas of Monsters
作者 / 珊卓拉.勞倫絲
簡介 / The Atlas of Monsters:充滿文化厚度的抓怪指南帶領讀者尋找世界各地神話故事及民間傳說中的山怪、龍、半獸人、海怪、妖精、巨人。從眾所周知的尼斯湖水怪,到澳洲北部阿
出版社 / Templar Company PLC.
ISBN13 / 9781783706969
ISBN10 / 1783706961
EAN / 9781783706969
誠品26碼 / 2681504751001
頁數 / 64
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 27X1.1X34CM
級別 / N:無
