All Kinds of Cars | 誠品線上

All Kinds of Cars

作者 Carl Johanson
出版社 Bounce Sales & Marketing Ltd.
商品描述 All Kinds of Cars:真實+破表想像!各式各樣的車    消防車、拖曳車、鏟雪車…,這些在路上跑的車,本書都會介紹。但是,這位瑞典大男孩,還畫了好幾款想像力爆表的車,你


內容簡介 真實+破表想像! 各式各樣的車 消防車、拖曳車、鏟雪車…,這些在路上跑的車,本書都會介紹。但是,這位瑞典大男孩,還畫了好幾款想像力爆表的車,你在路上絕對看不到!有橘子果醬車、恐龍車、氣球車、毛蟲車、甜甜圈車、溜滑梯車、雲車、3層英國巴士、監獄牢籠車…,看完這些車,小腦袋已經開始在轉,還可以變出什麼車!另外,還有可以著色的黑白線條頁,看看工地裡,哪些是真實的車?哪些是想像的車?From Swedish illustrator Carl Johanson, this partly true, partly fictitious book is a fantastic visual collection of cars and other wacky forms of transportation. Johanson's book identifies the ordinary along with the extraordinary – from fire engines and snow plows to galactic buses and guitar cars. All Kinds of Cars is a playful mix of existing and imaginary enjoyed by adults and children alike.


作者介紹 Carl is a Swedish Illstrator and artist who lives and works in Bretagne, in the west of France. As a kid he was always drawing. At the age of 19 he moved from his little home town on the west coast of Sweden to London to attend the Central St Martin's Foundation course in Art & Design. The following year he was accepted to Konstfack, (The national higher school for Art & Design), where he studied for a Bachelor's and later a Master's degree in Graphic design and Illustration. Directly after his studies he moved to Paris. His work has been described as being quirky, minimalistic and colorful. All Kinds of Cars is his first book for children.


書名 / All Kinds of Cars
作者 / Carl Johanson
簡介 / All Kinds of Cars:真實+破表想像!各式各樣的車    消防車、拖曳車、鏟雪車…,這些在路上跑的車,本書都會介紹。但是,這位瑞典大男孩,還畫了好幾款想像力爆表的車,你
出版社 / Bounce Sales & Marketing Ltd.
ISBN13 / 9781911171010
ISBN10 / 1911171011
EAN / 9781911171010
誠品26碼 / 2681457575006
頁數 / 40
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 31.2X24.4CM
級別 / N:無