The Time Capsule (+MP3) | 誠品線上

The Time Capsule (+MP3)

作者 Robert Campbell
出版社 書林出版有限公司
商品描述 The Time Capsule (+MP3):HelblingReadersRedSeries書系簡介系列分為:  ●HelblingClassics(經典文學)  ●HelblingFiction(當代原創)全系列適合程度:劍橋英檢(C


內容簡介 本書特色:◎About this Book單元: 分別提供學生與老師的語言學習或教學提示,並有本書文法結構要點。◎Before Reading After Reading: 閱讀前 後各有問題提問與練習,幫助理解作品內容並培養賞析 與批判思考能力。◎精選深受青少年喜愛的經典名著,或專為青少年所寫的有趣故事。◎依據CEF分級閱讀,讓英文學習精準到位。◎附有MP3光碟,同時訓練閱讀與聽力技巧,還有聽力練習活動。◎配合本書學習,提供免費的教學資源,包括練習單、解答及聽力練習原稿。內容簡介: Time Capsule Level 2 Helbling Fiction Recording in British EnglishJan makes a time capsule for her History project and buries it beside the apple tree in her garden. Then one night during a terrible storm something strange happens. Jan travels through time.Is she in the future?Or is she in the past?And how can she get back to the present?珍為了完成歷史科作業做了一個時間膠囊,並把它埋在花園裡的蘋果樹旁邊。一天晚上,奇怪的事情在暴風雨期間發生了—珍穿越時間。她在未來嗎?還是回到過去了?她要怎麼返回現在?Helbling Readers Red Series書系簡介 系列分為:● Helbling Classics(經典文學)● Helbling Fiction(當代原創) 全系列適合程度:劍橋英檢(Cambridge) KET 全民英檢(GEPT) 初級 歐洲共同語言能力(CEF) A1~A2 倫敦聖三一學院(Trinity) 1~ 4 級此系列書共分3個級數,分別是Level 1 - 400字彙以上;認證級數Cambridge KET、CEF A1、Trinity1,2級Level 2 - 600字彙以上;認證級數Cambridge KET、CEF A1 A2、Trinity 2,3級Level 3 - 1000字彙以上;認證級數Cambridge KET、CEF A2、Trinity3,4級


作者介紹 ■作者簡介Campbell, RobertMeet the AuthorHello Robert. This is your second story for Helbling Readers.That’s right. The first story was called Nest Door. It was about a boy called Eoin and a twin brother and sister who move into the house next door. People thing think come from another planet and Eoin wants to discover the truth.Is this story very different?I hope so. This story is about a girl called Jan. Her history teacher gives the class a project to make a time capsule. A time capsule is a container. You put things inside it and then you leave it in a special place for people to find in the future.What happens?I can’t tell you! Read the story to find out. I think it’s fantastic when you read a book or watch a film and you don’t know what happens. I had a lot of fun writing this story because it takes place in different times and lots of things happen. I wonder how many readers can predict the ending.What genre is it?Both Next Door and The Time Capsule are fantasy stories. They have elements of science of fiction too, but I wanted them to be about real people the reader can identify with.Have you ever made a time capsule?No, I haven’t. But I hope one day I’ll fine one. I thing it’s fascinating discovering about people’s lives in the past. I think the lives of ordinary people are often more interesting than the lives of the famous people we read bout in history books.


產品目錄 Contents目錄About this Book For the Student For the Teacher Level 2: StructuresMeet the AuthorThe Time Capsule Before Reading The Time CapsuleAfter Reading


書名 / The Time Capsule (+MP3)
作者 / Robert Campbell
簡介 / The Time Capsule (+MP3):HelblingReadersRedSeries書系簡介系列分為:  ●HelblingClassics(經典文學)  ●HelblingFiction(當代原創)全系列適合程度:劍橋英檢(C
出版社 / 書林出版有限公司
ISBN13 / 9783852729206
ISBN10 / 3852729203
EAN / 9783852729206
誠品26碼 / 2680924879005
頁數 / 94
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21X15CM
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /