A Child's History of the World | 誠品線上

給中小學生的世界歷史: 美國最會說故事的校長爺爺, 帶你搭時光機, 見證人類重要時刻 (英語學習版)

作者 維吉爾.希利爾
出版社 遠足文化事業股份有限公司
商品描述 A Child's History of the World:◎台灣唯一,經典英語學習版,讓你從歷史故事中擴充重要的英文字彙。◎全球超過10,000,000人讀過的世界歷史,遍及美國、韓國、日本、中國


內容簡介 ◎台灣唯一,經典英語學習版,讓你從歷史故事中擴充重要的英文字彙。◎全球超過10,000,000人讀過的世界歷史,遍及美國、韓國、日本、中國◎獲選美國中小學生最佳讀物◎1924年首印後,不斷再版,至今仍然是美國卡爾維特學校的明星課程世界這麼大、歷史這麼長遠,要記住這些歷史人物的事蹟,是不是覺得很難呢?原來歷史也可以學得這麼簡單有趣!Q1:你知道,原始人大部分的時間,都在覓食還有躲避猛獸,不然就會變成野獸的食物?Q2:你知道,埃及人相信,人死後會復活,所以製造木乃伊保存身體?Q3:你知道,發明字母ABC的人,其實是腓尼基人?Q4:你知道,童話中的城堡,其實在中世紀的歐洲隨處可見?Q5:你知道,在中世紀時,基督徒不只在做禮拜才去教堂,而是天天去?Q6:你知道,我們現在聽的古典樂,其實是以前歐洲的流行音樂?擅長將知識化做篇篇動人故事的校長爺爺,以孩子的視角,帶你搭時光機一起見證人類的重要時刻。彷彿跟古人做朋友,嚴肅的歷史也瞬間變得親切可愛了!1. 美國知名校長爺爺帶你快樂學英文。本書作者為美國知名的校長爺爺,運用對孩子來說簡單、有趣的英文用詞描述對世界歷史進程。用經典作品學習英文,加強孩子的英文字彙、學習生活實用、正確的英文用語。2. 西方家庭必備經典書本書運用簡單、易懂的歷史故事,讓大人也能從書中發現自己所不知的有趣小歷史。當孩子有學習上的問題與困難時,家長也可以利用這本書,解答孩子的疑惑。3. 結合歷史知識和快樂時光之旅作者從穴居人、古埃及、兩河流域文明、古希臘、古羅馬、中世紀歐洲、近現代歐洲歷史,依照歷史的時間演進,詳述各地發生的歷史故事。用活潑、有趣、可愛的口吻,並且運用孩子理解的角度來描述枯燥無味的歷史。讓孩子彷彿搭上時光機,跟著爺爺一起看歷史故事。4. 以孩子的視角進行描述假如你是一個石器時代的孩子,我猜你會喜歡這樣的生活:每天早上醒來後,你不用洗澡,甚至不用洗手洗臉,也不用刷牙、梳頭髮。你用手抓東西來吃,因為沒有刀叉、勺子、杯子和碟子,只有一個碗。這個碗是媽媽用泥土捏出來的,並在烈日下曬乾後,用來裝水喝。沒有需要洗刷和收拾起來的盤子、沒有桌子,當然吃東西時,更不用講究餐桌禮儀。沒有書、沒有紙,也沒有筆。沒有星期六和星期天,也沒有一月、二月的分別。除了天氣有晴有陰、有暖有冷的不同之外,每天都一樣。那時候也沒有學校。除了玩泥巴、摘果子、和兄弟姊妹玩捉迷藏,每天都無事可做。我想你會非常喜歡這種生活!「太棒了!多好的生活,就像在野外露營!」你會這樣想嗎?以孩子的視角、貼近日常生活的描述,讓歷史變成一項親切、有趣的生活故事。孩子排斥歷史,多半是因為歷史都是枯燥無味的年代、戰爭、人名,距離非常的遙遠。美國最會說故事的校長爺爺理解孩子的語言,用淺顯易懂的方式、可愛有趣的歷史故事吸引孩子的目光,學習歷史也能這樣簡單、快樂。5. 以孩子能否理解為書寫標準作者寫這套書時,將重點放在:知識講述要符合孩子的認知方式,並透過它讓孩子建立歷史印象。所以在書中,作者的描述彷彿講述孩子身旁所發生的小故事,讓孩子親近遙遠的歷史,艱難的歷史也變得更生動有趣。●簡單、具故事性的文章,了解世界的同時,學習重要的英文運用。●運用簡單、有趣的口吻,讓孩子在輕鬆閱讀的同時,增進歷史知識。●就像親切的爺爺在講古,每一個歷史故事都彷彿身歷其境,加深孩子的學習印象。●聽故事就能秒懂全世界,讓枯燥無味的課程都能靈活運用在生活知識上。


各界推薦 ◎聯合推薦台灣國際蒙特梭利小學副校長/李裕光清華大學教授/李家同之道學習創辦人/鄭婉琪全人實驗高級中學/周鄭州慧燈中學創辦人/林光義暢銷書《沒有圍牆的學校》作者/李崇建親子教養書作家/彭菊仙全國教師會/劉旭欽全國家長團體聯盟前理事長/謝國清各級學校家長協會理事長/李秀貞中小學校長協會榮譽理事長/張榮輝自主學習促進會會長/唐光華國立歷史博物館館長/呂理政台南圖書館館長/葉建良明德國小老師/花梅真河堤國小老師/連瑞琦彭福國小老師/黃學仁日新國小老師/顏如禎信義國小老師/何素琴「本書的作者抓住了義大利教育家瑪麗亞蒙特梭利的精神,以兒童為本位,把人類的故事、數千年中外的歷史,浩瀚如大海的材料,篩選成有趣、易讀的童書,相信定能激發小學孩子探索世界的好奇心,真是太好了!」--台灣國際蒙特梭利小學副校長/李裕光「作者以總是能將引起閱讀興趣的口語轉換成文字,透過聯繫性歷史典故的向前推演,精確又自然的吸引了讀者眼光,特別是孩童們。這些跨越時空、語言、文化的故事,突破重重限制完成出版,我們慶幸全世界的孩童與一般讀者,得以透過閱讀這一系列書籍,自然的強化了歷史、地理、藝術素養。希利爾校長的著作真的值得推薦。」--全國教師工會理事長/劉欽旭「人類歷史複雜而豐富,如同大自然一般,是讓孩子產生好奇與探索的重要媒材。這套書的大綱脈絡鋪陳了重要的歷史點,又能在各個歷史點上以故事的方式生動呈現。孩子會喜歡,家長也可以跟著重讀歷史而有「原來是這樣啊」的驚喜。」--之道學習創辦人/ 鄭婉琪「要先給孩子史觀?還是史綱呢?或是只要講歷史故事就好了?這是我曾在體制外中學討論歷史課程的難題。如果當時看過《給多中小學生讀的世界史》,就會找到答案了。這本書是絕佳的讀本,最棒的歷史教育書,我推薦給所有的孩子,與關心歷史教育的父母與老師。」--《沒有圍牆的學校》作者/李崇建「讀這本書的感覺,真的很像是聽老爺爺說故事一樣,作者用聊天似的口吻,從人類尚未出現的時代開始說,說著說著偶爾還會拿現代人的眼光來個古今對照。如果真的能夠聽見他的聲音,我想那應該是渾厚、慈詳又幽默的聲音吧!說故事的人最厲害的地方,就是他們有本事帶領著聽故事的人把他們的想像力發揮到極致,讓想像力馳騁,穿古溯今。」--讀者/Iris Psyche


作者介紹 ■作者簡介維吉爾‧希利爾(Virgil Mores Hillyer)美國傑出教育家,畢生從事中小學教育,酷愛歷史和藝術,喜歡旅行。出生於麻州韋茅斯鎮。哈佛大學教育系畢業後,在紐約的白朗寧學校教了兩年書,隨後遷往巴爾地摩,擔任卡爾維特學校的第一任校長。希利爾創建的小學函授教育系統,即「卡爾維特學校體系」,惠及世界各地的政府雇員、領事、軍官和傳教士的子女。 當希利爾校長於1899年到美國卡爾維特學校(Calvert School)走馬上任時,他還是一個年僅24歲的年輕人。然而,他有天生的教學異能,了解孩子需要什麼,知道如何講孩子才能聽明白,以及孩子成長的規律。 希利爾校長認為,孩子們寫作、閱讀和數學的基礎必須紮實。在此基礎上,他認為學生應當接受歷史、藝術、地理和科學的系統教育,意在培育熟悉周遭世界得全方位學生。希利爾深感傳統教科書的枯燥無味,立志為孩子編寫一套讀起來興味盎然的歷史、地理和藝術讀物,這便是這套書的由來。


產品目錄 1 How Things Started2 People Who Lived in Caves3 Fire! Fire! Fire!4 From an Airplane5 Real History Begins6 The Puzzle Writers in Egypt7 The Tomb Builders8 A Rich Land Where There Was No Money9 The Jews Search for a Home10 Fairy-Tale Gods11 A Fairy-Tale War12 The Kings of the Jews13 The People Who Made Our A B C’s14 Hard as Nails15 The Crown of Leaves16 A Bad Beginning17 Kings with Corkscrew Curls18 A City of Wonders and Wickedness19 A Surprise Party20 The Other Side of the World: India21 All the Way Around the World in China22 Rich Man, Poor Man23 Rome Kicks Out Her Kings24 Greece vs. Persia25 Fighting Mad26 One Against a Thousand27 The Golden Age28 When Greek Meets Greek29 Wise Men and Otherwise30 A Boy King31 Picking a Fight32 The Boot Kicks and Stamps33 The New Champion of the World34 The Noblest Roman of Them All35 An Emperor Who Was Made a God36 “Thine Is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory”37 Blood and Thunder38 A Good Emperor and a Bad Son39 I_H_ _S_ _ _ _V_ _ _ _ _40 Barbarian Invaders41 Barbarians Meet the Champions of the World42 New Places-New Heroes43 Being Good44 A Christian Kingdom in Africa45 Muhammad and the Early Years of Islam46 Arabian Days47 Two Empires, Two Emperors48 Getting a Start49 The End of the World50 Real Castles51 Knights and Days of Chivalry52 A Pirate’s Great Grandson53 A Great Adventure54 Tick-Tack-Toe; Three Kings in a Row55 Three Kingdoms in West Africa56 Bibles Made of Stone and Glass57 John, Whom Nobody Loved58 A Great Story Teller59 “Thing-a-ma-jigger” and “What-cher-may-call-it” or a Magic Needle and a Magic Powder60 Thelon Gest Wart Hate Verwas61 Print and Powder or Off with the Old, On with the New62 A Sailor Who Found a New World63 Fortune Hunters64 The Land of Enchantment or the Search for Gold and Adventure65 Along the Coast of East Africa66 Rebirth67 Christians Quarrel68 Queen Elizabeth69 The Age of Elizabeth70 James the Servant or What’s in a Name71 A King Who Lost His Head72 Red Cap and Red Heels73 A Self-Made Man74 A Prince Who Ran Away75 America Gets Rid of Her King76 Upside Down77 A Little Giant78 Latin America and the Caribbean Islands79 From Pan and His Pipes to the Phonograph80 The Daily Papers of 1854-186581 Three New Postage Stamps82 The Age of Miracles83 A Different Kind of Revolution84 A World at War85 A Short Twenty Years86 Modern Barbarians87 Fighting the Dictators88 A New Spirit in the World89 A New BIG POWER in the World90 Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow


書名 / A Child's History of the World
作者 / 維吉爾.希利爾
簡介 / A Child's History of the World:◎台灣唯一,經典英語學習版,讓你從歷史故事中擴充重要的英文字彙。◎全球超過10,000,000人讀過的世界歷史,遍及美國、韓國、日本、中國
出版社 / 遠足文化事業股份有限公司
ISBN13 / 9789865837976
ISBN10 / 9865837978
EAN / 9789865837976
誠品26碼 / 2681670369000
頁數 / 448
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23X17CM
級別 / N:無



ONCE upon a time there was a boy-
Just like me.
He had to stay in bed in the morning until seven o’clock until his family was ready to get up.
So did I.
As he was always awake long before this time, he used to lie there and think about all sorts of curious things.
So did I.
One thing he used to wonder was this:
What would the world be like if there were-
No fathers and mothers,
No uncles and aunts,
No cousins or other children to play with,
No people at all, except himself in the whole world!
Perhaps you have wondered the same thing.
So did I.
At last he used to get so lonely, just from thinking how dreadful such a world would be, that he could stand it no longer and would run to his parents’ room and jump into bed by their side just to get this terrible thought out of his mind.
So did I-for I was the boy.
Well, there was a time long, long, long ago when there were no men or women or children, NO PEOPLE of any kind, in the whole world. Of course there were no houses, for there was no one to build them or to live in them, no towns or cities-nothing that people make. There were just animals-mastodons and dinosaurs, birds and butterflies, frogs and snakes, turtles and fish. Can you think of such a world as that?

long, long, long,

before that, there was a time when there were NO PEOPLE, and NO ANIMALS of any sort in the whole world; there were just growing plants. Can you think of such a world as that?

long, long, long,
long, long, long,

before that, there was a time when there were NO PEOPLE, NO ANIMALS, NO PLANTS, in the whole world; there was just bare rock and water everywhere. Can you think of such a world as that?

long, long, long,
long, long, long-you might
keep on saying-
“long, long, long,” all day, and
tomorrow, and all
next week, and next
month, and next
year, and it would
not be long enough-

before this, there was a time when there was NO WORLD AT ALL!
No world at all! Only the stars, and God, who made the stars.
Now, real stars are not things with points like those in the corner of a flag or the gold ones you put on a Christmas tree. The real stars in the sky have no points. They are huge burning balls of fire-balls of fire. Each star, however, is so huge that there is nothing in the world now anywhere nearly as big. One little bit, one little scrap of a star is bigger than our whole world-than our whole world.
One of these stars is our sun-yes, our sun. The other stars would look the same as the sun if we could get as close to them. But at that time, so long, long ago, our sun was not just a big, round, white, hot ball as we see it in the sky today. It was then more like the fireworks you may have seen on the Fourth of July. It was whirling and sputtering and throwing off sparks.
One of these sparks, which the sun threw far off, got cool just as a spark from a crackling log in a fireplace gets cool, and this cooled off spark was-
What do you suppose?
See if you can guess-
It was our world!-yes, the world
on which we now live.

At first, however, our world, or Earth, was nothing but a ball of rock. This ball of rock was wrapped around with steam, like a heavy fog.
Then the steam turned to rain, and it rained on the world,

a a a
n n n
d d d

i i i
t t t

r r r
a a a
i i i
n n n
e e e
d d d

until it had filled up the hollows and made enormously big puddles. These puddles were the oceans. The dry places were bare rock.
Then, after this, came the first living things-tiny plants that you could only have seen under a microscope. At first they grew only in the water, then along the water’s edge, then out on the rock.
Then dirt, or soil, as people call it, formed all over the rock and made the rock into land, and the plants grew larger and spread farther over the land.
Then, after this, came the first tiny animals in the water. They were wee specks too small, like the first plants, to be seen without the help of a microscope.
The, after this, in the water came larger animals like Jellyfish and clams and horseshoe crabs.
Then, after this, came Insects, some that live in the water, some on the water, some on the land, like cockroaches, and some in the air.
Then, after this, came Fish that live only in the water.
Then, after this, came animals like frogs called Amphibians that live in the water and also on the land.
Then, after this, came Reptiles, like snakes, turtles, lizards, and huge dinosaurs.
Then, after this, came Birds that lay eggs, and Mammals, like foxes and monkeys and cows, that nurse their babies when they are born.
Then, last of all, came-what do you suppose? Yes-People-men, women, and children. Here are the steps; see if you can take them:
And here we are!

What do you suppose will be next?


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