Seasons | 誠品線上


作者 Blexbolex
出版社 Bounce Sales & Marketing Ltd.
商品描述 Seasons:以四季傳達時間流轉概念的繪本夏天裡,是最美好的野餐時光。沙灘與海灘傘,是夏日最佳代言人;秋天是採收的季節;冬天會有大風雪,風雪過後就可以來場雪球大戰!


內容簡介 以四季傳達時間流轉概念的繪本夏天裡,是最美好的野餐時光。沙灘與海灘傘,是夏日最佳代言人;秋天是採收的季節;冬天會有大風雪,風雪過後就可以來場雪球大戰!春天的微風與黎明破曉,給你什麼樣的感覺呢?春際發芽的種子,春意盎然。季節的更迭有哪些變化呢?以動物、植物與人類活動來描寫時間的轉換與自然永續流轉的概念,體驗四季不同的樣貌。來自法國藝術家Blexbolex的作品,畫面以圖形的概念組成,並以仿套版印刷的色塊呈現出特有的視覺畫面,讓這本季節書閱讀起來別有獨特的風格。A beautifully atmospheric look at the world through simple words and illustrations which slowly build a poignant picture of the way we live. Through objects, places and actions, the world is revealed as both permanent and ever-changing. Seasons will appeal to children, adults, designers, art-lovers...'At first glance, this is a beautiful art book reminiscent of the children's book illustration of the 1960s. 'The most striking thing about it for me is that it forces you to slow down and to reflect on the associations within, which are not always immediately obvious. When you read the book as a whole, you really do get the sense that the world is both changing and unchanging. It's a meditation. The more times you read this book, the more you get out of it.' - Julia Marshall, publisher


書名 / Seasons
作者 / Blexbolex
簡介 / Seasons:以四季傳達時間流轉概念的繪本夏天裡,是最美好的野餐時光。沙灘與海灘傘,是夏日最佳代言人;秋天是採收的季節;冬天會有大風雪,風雪過後就可以來場雪球大戰!
出版社 / Bounce Sales & Marketing Ltd.
ISBN13 / 9781877467622
ISBN10 / 1877467626
EAN / 9781877467622
誠品26碼 / 2680998194004
頁數 / 176
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 26.8X20.2X2.3CM
級別 / N:無
