A Book about Marley Bear at the Farm | 誠品線上

A Book about Marley Bear at the Farm

作者 Melissa Crowton
商品描述 A Book about Marley Bear at the Farm:今天,小熊Barley到農場玩,不過,農場裡不見牠蹤影,牠去哪兒啦!耶,紅色小屋後方露出一雙咕嚕嚕大眼睛,會不會是牠呢?小朋友,


內容簡介 今天,小熊 Barley 到農場玩,不過,農場裡不見牠蹤影,牠去哪兒啦!耶,紅色小屋後方露出一雙咕嚕嚕大眼睛,會不會是牠呢?小朋友,打開不織布紅色小屋門看看,果然是牠呢,牠就站在柵欄前,和後方的獅子開心聊天中。小熊 Barley在農場裡還可以看到些什麼?稻草人、水桶、小推車、小豬oink、小鴨quack…,調皮的牠們愛玩捉迷藏,你能打開小柵門、小翻頁,找到乳牛和小鴨鴨嗎?最後,小熊坐進黃色車子﹙不織布﹚,猜猜,他要去哪?玩了一天下來,當然是回家囉!本書除了翻頁找找地捉迷藏樂趣外,也有不織布和特殊布質的摸摸體驗,像是摸摸小綿羊,很舒服的!Bridging the gap between novelty board books and picture flats, this adorable new series encourages little readers to engage with a central character and then follow a simple plot. With questions to answer (What can you see at the farm? What noises do the farm animals make?) and interactive elements throughout, the child is drawn in from the outset. A rich reading experience, designed to stimulate speech and build book-confidence."


作者介紹 Melissa Crowton grew up amongst the neighbourhoods of rural Utah where there were a lot of empty roads and open skies to look at, but not much else. She found traveling by book was a quite agreeable alternative, and has been enjoying a vast array of stories ever since. Melissa graduated with a degree in Illustration from BYU in 2012 and a Masters in Illustration Practice from Maryland Institute College of Art in 2016. She lives in the East Bay of California and explores the steep hills of San Francisco when she can. But not for too long, for she still has more reading to do.


書名 / A Book about Marley Bear at the Farm
作者 / Melissa Crowton
簡介 / A Book about Marley Bear at the Farm:今天,小熊Barley到農場玩,不過,農場裡不見牠蹤影,牠去哪兒啦!耶,紅色小屋後方露出一雙咕嚕嚕大眼睛,會不會是牠呢?小朋友,
ISBN13 / 9781788003599
ISBN10 / 1788003594
EAN / 9781788003599
誠品26碼 / 2681817931008
頁數 / 12
注音版 /
裝訂 / B:兒童厚紙板書
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 18.5X18.5X2CM
級別 / N:無
材質 /
