內容簡介 來我家玩吧! 翻翻摸摸遊戲書 貓咪Alex想邀請朋友來家裡玩,但朋友們在哪呢?Alex出發尋找,一一拜訪。這家住著誰?打開翻頁,是刺蝟和小鹿正在廚房忙啊!哈囉,你們要不要來我家玩呢?好喔!接著,Alex敲了一間又一間的屋子,打開一扇又一扇的門,兔子、狗狗、松鼠紛紛答應。最後他們一起拜訪大熊,他正在呼呼大睡,要不要搔他的鼻子,叫他起床,出門活動、小聚一下呢?!當然是要囉! Ludo has come to the village today - can you help him find his friends? Knock on the doors to the different houses, then tickle Bruno's tummy to wake him up, so everyone can come and play outside with the big red ball!
作者介紹 Nicola Slater born in the wild and windy north, Nicola began her career as an usher, but life by the big screen was too heady and too fast. Instead, she chose to study Illustration in Buckinghamshire, where she developed a passion for children's books that far surpassed her love of popcorn. She has since had books published here and in the United States, which include Best Friends, Spot a Lot, and Leaping Lemmings. Nicola lives with her family in Cheshire, close to the local cinema where she likes to occasionally lurk in the foyer.