Where's Mr Astronaut? Felt Flaps and a Mirror! | 誠品線上

Where's Mr Astronaut? Felt Flaps and a Mirror!

作者 Ingela P Arrhenius
商品描述 Where's Mr Astronaut? Felt Flaps and a Mirror!:和太空人先生一起探索無垠的太空世界吧!今天是火箭要發射的日子,咦?工程師在哪裡呢?出發外太空,那太空人先生跑到哪


內容簡介 和太空人先生一起探索無垠的太空世界吧! 今天是火箭要發射的日子,咦?工程師在哪裡呢? 出發外太空,那太空人先生跑到哪兒了呢? 到了外太空,會有外星人嗎? 找到了那麼多的人物,那你在哪裡呢? 專為寶寶設計的第一本觸摸遊戲書,厚紙板書頁設計耐用好翻閱,對於還不會控制力道的幼兒來說,還是可以盡享閱讀樂趣,不用擔心把內頁撕破。英國Nosy Crow出版社推出的《Where's Mr Mrs...》系列,搭配不織布材質的小翻頁機關,除了可以讓小寶貝體驗尋找的樂趣外,也可以刺激手部觸覺感官,故事的最後還會附有一面小鏡子,讓孩子和自己玩躲貓貓,樂趣無窮。 A delightful and funny introduction to space exploration for the very youngest of readers. A particularly charming new addition to the best-selling series that's so adored by parents and children alike.


作者介紹 Ingela P Arrhenius graduated from art school in the early 90s and has been working as an illustrator ever since. At first, she worked in advertising and magazines, but her focus over the past ten years has been on products and books. Ingela has created patterns for fabrics, wallpaper and stationery, as well as packaging and home accessories. She has also collaborated with several toy producers around the world and her love of retro style, typography and colour is reflected in all her work. Ingela lives in Stockholm with her husband (an author) and two sons.


書名 / Where's Mr Astronaut? Felt Flaps and a Mirror!
作者 / Ingela P Arrhenius
簡介 / Where's Mr Astronaut? Felt Flaps and a Mirror!:和太空人先生一起探索無垠的太空世界吧!今天是火箭要發射的日子,咦?工程師在哪裡呢?出發外太空,那太空人先生跑到哪
ISBN13 / 9781788004664
ISBN10 / 1788004663
EAN / 9781788004664
誠品26碼 / 2681816663009
頁數 / 12
注音版 /
裝訂 / B:兒童厚紙板書
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 18.6X18.6X2.1CM
級別 / N:無
材質 / 紙 不織布
適用年齡 / 0-5
