A Book About Ralphie Dog at the Station | 誠品線上

A Book About Ralphie Dog at the Station

作者 Melissa Crowton
商品描述 A Book About Ralphie Dog at the Station:狗狗Ralphie的火車小旅行翻翻遊戲書NosyCrow出版社,繼不織布鏡子翻翻書後,配合孩子經驗拓展,出版了ABookAbout系列,沿用翻翻


內容簡介 狗狗Ralphie的火車小旅行 翻翻遊戲書Nosy Crow出版社,繼不織布鏡子翻翻書後,配合孩子經驗拓展,出版了A Book About 系列,沿用翻翻書設計和不織布材質,但內容延伸至更廣的生活圈,帶孩子觀察更多周圍人事物,介紹更多字彙。Ralphie狗狗衝好快!要去哪?他衝進火車站裡,你找得到他嗎?打開翻頁,果然看到Ralphie在車站後方,他今天和鴨子朋友進行一場小旅行呢!車站人來人往,有人幫忙旅客搬運行李,有家庭攜家帶眷,推娃娃車出遊;一旁有街頭藝人演奏音樂,小朋友排隊買冰淇淋。至於聲音呢,可以聽到哨子聲、火車聲、吉他聲等,那麼,小朋友你可以製造那些聲音呢?書裡有鏡子,你可以揣摩看看喔。耶,Ralphie去哪了?翻頁,原來他在買車票,準備進站出發囉!This cute little train-themed title introduces the concepts of size (small, medium, large), opposites and journeys. With busy, detailed scenes, lots to point at and name and a straightforward story-arc, this is the perfect introduction to a lifetime of reading!"


作者介紹 Melissa Crowton Melissa Crowton grew up amongst the neighbourhoods of rural Utah where there were a lot of empty roads and open skies to look at, but not much else. She found traveling by book was a quite agreeable alternative, and has been enjoying a vast array of stories ever since. Melissa graduated with a degree in Illustration from BYU in 2012 and a Masters in Illustration Practice from Maryland Institute College of Art in 2016. She lives in the East Bay of California and explores the steep hills of San Francisco when she can. But not for too long, for she still has more reading to do.


書名 / A Book About Ralphie Dog at the Station
作者 / Melissa Crowton
簡介 / A Book About Ralphie Dog at the Station:狗狗Ralphie的火車小旅行翻翻遊戲書NosyCrow出版社,繼不織布鏡子翻翻書後,配合孩子經驗拓展,出版了ABookAbout系列,沿用翻翻
ISBN13 / 9781788004848
ISBN10 / 1788004841
EAN / 9781788004848
誠品26碼 / 2681816662002
頁數 / 12
注音版 /
裝訂 / B:兒童厚紙板書
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 18.8X18.8X1.7CM
級別 / N:無
材質 /
適用年齡 / 0-5
