The Princess and the Christmas Rescue | 誠品線上

The Princess and the Christmas Rescue

作者 Caryl Hart
商品描述 The Princess and the Christmas Rescue:不玩娃娃玩機器,來自皇宮的機器發明高手,拯救破病的聖誕老公公Eliza公主很擅長手工,只要塞給她鐵線、木頭、鋸子、繩子…等工具


內容簡介 不玩娃娃玩機器,來自皇宮的機器發明高手,拯救破病的聖誕老公公Eliza公主很擅長手工,只要塞給她鐵線、木頭、鋸子、繩子…等工具,她可以做出好多你想要的機器。但是國王、皇后覺得公主一點都沒公主樣,希望Eliza 能多交朋友,不要再發明機器了。Eliza試著做薑餅人,薑餅人逃走,親吻青蛙,青蛙跳走,編漂亮的辮子,垂在窗台邊,也沒有王子來救!Eliza向外找尋朋友,遇到一群小矮人,得知聖誕老人生病了,沒有人手可以幫忙收信、看信、找禮物、送禮物,於是,Eliza運用她發明的長才,設計一套裝置,成功幫助聖誕老公公度過送禮危機!這是Caryl Hart的公主系列第4本,旨在鼓勵女孩們發展自己的專長! Princess Eliza is AWFULLY lonely in her beautiful snow palace. Stuck inside all day with no-one to play with, she's become brilliant at building her own toys. Eliza can make anything with a few bits of wood and some string! Anything, that is, except the thing she wants most... a friend.As she sets off to find one, Eliza stumbles across a wintry grotto full of elves - but OH DEAR! Santa is poorly and there are still so many presents to make! Could Princess Eliza be just the person to save Christmas?


書名 / The Princess and the Christmas Rescue
作者 / Caryl Hart
簡介 / The Princess and the Christmas Rescue:不玩娃娃玩機器,來自皇宮的機器發明高手,拯救破病的聖誕老公公Eliza公主很擅長手工,只要塞給她鐵線、木頭、鋸子、繩子…等工具
ISBN13 / 9780857639783
ISBN10 / 0857639781
EAN / 9780857639783
誠品26碼 / 2681486815005
頁數 / 32
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 29X25CM
級別 / N:無