My Fun School Bus | 誠品線上

My Fun School Bus

作者 Roger Priddy
出版社 Macmillan Publishing Services
商品描述 My Fun School Bus:BusyBooks、FirstStories、Campball出版社操作書任選3本590元歡樂校車硬紙板翻翻書,超值特價199元預購中五大認知主題四十五個為小手設計的大翻頁嘟嘟


內容簡介 歡樂校車硬紙板翻翻書,超值特價199元預購中五大認知主題四十五個為小手設計的大翻頁嘟嘟!跟著可愛的動物們乘坐校車,來趟認知之旅!這本顏色鮮明的硬紙板書,可愛的校車形狀,讓孩子興奮不已,內容以可愛的插畫呈現六個動物主角在學校裡發生的事,既幽默又有趣!押韻的文字與提示,鼓勵並引導孩子試著猜猜並翻翻看。玩樂時間到了,同學們在哪裡?快找一找,要大家一起來玩吧!看看誰在黃色的門後面?他有著大大的鼻子,黃色的身體,一定是…獅子!找找各種各樣的形狀,三角形在哪裡?哈,大象的魔術帽就是!每個跨頁介紹一個認知概念,透過設計的情境與翻頁,孩子在翻翻找找中認識:顏色形狀數字與數數認識字母與聲音相反詞這本硬頁翻翻書不但為孩子介紹上學所需要的核心認知概念,更讓孩子了解上學是多麼有趣又快樂,對學校充滿期待!My Fun School Bus is just what you need to get your child excited and prepared for school. It is a bus-shaped board book with lots of big flaps to lift that help to teach important early-learning skills.The cute illustrations of animal characters in a kindergarten setting add charm and humor to each page, and the rhyming, alliterative text encourages pre-schoolers to lift the flaps to enhance the learning experience. Each double-page spread introduces a different concept:- color- shapes- numbers and counting- recognizing letters and saying their sounds- oppositesThis engaging book not only teaches the core concepts needed for school, but will also reassure pre-K kids that school is a happy and interesting place to be."


作者介紹 About the AuthorRoger Priddy's passion for educating children through fun, informative and engaging books has led him to create some of publishing's most enduring and successful nonfiction early learning books. Roger lives in London and has three children, who have been the inspiration behind many of his best publishing ideas.


書名 / My Fun School Bus
作者 / Roger Priddy
簡介 / My Fun School Bus:BusyBooks、FirstStories、Campball出版社操作書任選3本590元歡樂校車硬紙板翻翻書,超值特價199元預購中五大認知主題四十五個為小手設計的大翻頁嘟嘟
出版社 / Macmillan Publishing Services
ISBN13 / 9780312526498
ISBN10 / 0312526490
EAN / 9780312526498
誠品26碼 / 2681544699004
頁數 / 10
注音版 /
裝訂 / B:兒童厚紙板書
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 26.9X19.8X1.3CM
級別 / N:無
材質 / 紙 紙板