Harry Potter: A Hogwarts Christmas Pop-Up | 誠品線上

Harry Potter: A Hogwarts Christmas Pop-Up

作者 Insight/ Ed.
出版社 Insight Editions
商品描述 Harry Potter: A Hogwarts Christmas Pop-Up:霍格華茲聖誕立體書聖誕節到了,遠在霍格華茲學習魔法的學子們,也想和同學好好地過個聖誕節,學校特別在餐廳擺了聖誕樹。接


內容簡介 霍格華茲聖誕立體書聖誕節到了,遠在霍格華茲學習魔法的學子們,也想和同學好好地過個聖誕節,學校特別在餐廳擺了聖誕樹。接下來,就請你翻翻找找書上的翻翻卡,看看裡面藏了什麼,利用這些的找到的配件,裝飾聖誕樹:有老鷹、分類帽、魔法寶典、四個學院(葛來分多、史萊哲林、雷文克勞、赫夫帕夫)學院徽章…等。此外附有一本小冊子,收錄幕後花絮和場景介紹,把讀者再拉回電影的回憶裡。是一本充滿互動的聖誕立體書!Celebrate the holidays at Hogwarts with this interactive pop-up book.Harry Potter: A Hogwarts Christmas Pop-Up is a one-of-a-kind book that re-creates the iconic Great Hall as seen in the Harry Potter films, complete with a pop-up Christmas tree at the center. The book is also filled with removable and displayable keepsakes of iconic magical artifacts and other elements from the films, which can be used as ornaments to decorate the pop-up tree, creating an interactive experience that lets fans bring the holidays to life in their own magical way.Included is a softcover booklet packed with behind-the-scenes details on the props, set designs, and special holiday moments featured throughout the films. Recapture the holiday memories from the Harry Potter series, or create your own, as you celebrate the holidays with this must-have collectible for fans of the Wizarding World."


書名 / Harry Potter: A Hogwarts Christmas Pop-Up
作者 / Insight Ed.
簡介 / Harry Potter: A Hogwarts Christmas Pop-Up:霍格華茲聖誕立體書聖誕節到了,遠在霍格華茲學習魔法的學子們,也想和同學好好地過個聖誕節,學校特別在餐廳擺了聖誕樹。接
出版社 / Insight Editions
ISBN13 / 9781683839002
ISBN10 / 1683839005
EAN / 9781683839002
誠品26碼 / 2681752849000
頁數 / 2
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 32X32X2.5CM
級別 / N:無
