Tiger, Tiger, Time to Take a Bath! | 誠品線上

老虎, 老虎, 洗乾淨喔!

作者 喬.羅吉
商品描述 Tiger, Tiger, Time to Take a Bath!:最幽默的推拉(PullandTab)硬頁書動動小手,滑稽的動物表情逗趣又爆笑洗澡刷牙,做個乾淨好寶寶!洗澡時間到囉!看看動物們是怎麼讓


內容簡介 最幽默的推拉(Pull and Tab)硬頁書動動小手,滑稽的動物表情逗趣又爆笑洗澡刷牙,做個乾淨好寶寶!洗澡時間到囉!看看動物們是怎麼讓自己維持乾淨的?耳朵髒了沒關係,你會像獅子一樣好好刷乾淨嗎?鼻涕流不停,來看大象把長鼻子擤一擤!頭髮亂糟糟,跟犛牛一樣好好梳一梳吧!想要有乾淨潔白的牙齒,那就像鱷魚一樣,好好刷牙喔!大膽明亮的色彩、逗趣的動物表情、押韻的文字,讓本書教寶寶愛乾淨!這本硬頁書大小比一般稍大,堅實的書頁以及流暢的推拉設計,可以放心讓寶寶重複地玩。What do you do if your ears are dirty, your nose is blocked or your hair is sticking up like a mad haystack? And just how do you achieve a really snappy, bright-white smile? Wiggle the sliding tabs and giggle as the animals show you how to take care of yourself!With brilliant bold, bright pictures and a funny rhyming narrative, Tiger, Tiger, Time to Take a Bath! by Jo Lodge is sure to put a big smile on your toddler's face while showing them how to take care of themselves!Also available: Puppy Dog, Puppy Dog, How Are You?, Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat, What Can You See?, Moo Cow, Moo Cow, Please Eat Nicely!"


書名 / Tiger, Tiger, Time to Take a Bath!
作者 / 喬.羅吉
簡介 / Tiger, Tiger, Time to Take a Bath!:最幽默的推拉(PullandTab)硬頁書動動小手,滑稽的動物表情逗趣又爆笑洗澡刷牙,做個乾淨好寶寶!洗澡時間到囉!看看動物們是怎麼讓
ISBN13 / 9781509842742
ISBN10 / 1509842748
EAN / 9781509842742
誠品26碼 / 2681521923009
頁數 / 10
注音版 /
裝訂 / B:兒童厚紙板書
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20X1.4X20CM
級別 / N:無
材質 / 紙 紙板
