內容簡介 First Stories孩子的第一本經典童話故事 Campbell出版社的First Stories系列將人物動態,設計在硬頁的各種推滑轉機關裡!睡美人 推拉滑硬頁遊戲書遠方的王國的誕生了一位可愛的小公主,(滑)仙女們紛紛獻上祝福,但卻有一個沒被邀請的壞心仙子,詛咒小公主,詛咒什麼呢?打開滑窗,她說公主長大後會紡錘刺傷!果真,這個詛咒應驗,公主沉沉睡去,(推)週圍的荊棘爬滿牆,公主還沒醒來,幸好,及時出現了一位王子!而王子親吻睡美人的經典畫面,早就設計在封面裡,吸引睡美人迷親手操作,讓王子輕輕彎腰,親吻公主!Campbell出版社的First Stories系列將人物動態,設計在硬頁的各種推滑轉機關裡,小朋友動動指頭,就能推巫婆、飛天、變身…,值得收藏!First Stories: Sleeping Beauty is the perfect introduction for young children to this classic fairy tale. Push, pull and turn mechanisms bring the story to life and introduce the main characters: the sleeping princess and the prince who wakes her. This well-loved fairy tale is beautifully imagined for a new generation by children's illustrator Dan Taylor.Titles to collect: Snow White, Alice in Wonderland, Cinderella, Rapunzel, The Jungle Book, Little Red Riding Hood, Jack and the Beanstalk, The Nutcracker, Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, Peter Pan, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, The Three Little Pigs, Hansel and Gretel"