內容簡介 紐約時報暢銷作家Nicola Yoon2016美國國家圖書獎最佳青少年文學入圍2017普林玆文學獎銀獎出版人週刊年度選書 即將被驅逐出境、正要尋求律師協助的牙買加偷渡客Natasha,和準備參加耶魯大學面試的乖乖牌韓國移民店小開Daniel,在繁忙擁擠的紐約市街相遇。她冷靜、理性,信仰科學而不相信愛情,更別說一見鍾情;他順從父母、表現得體,但骨子裡其實是個天生的浪漫詩人,生活背景大相逕庭,個性也大異其趣的兩人,在街頭那電光石火的一刻,究竟擦出了什麼樣的火花?他們過往的經歷,影響他們成為各自現在的樣貌,要了解他們的愛情故事,得先要了解他們周圍的一切──包括頭髮,還有路人。這個宇宙中的每一個須臾片刻,將我們帶到了此時此刻,沒有偶然,沒有巧合,一切命定。#1 New York Times bestselling author Nicola Yoon is back with her second book, and just like Everything, Everything, it's an instant classic with a love story that's just as intense as Maddy and Olly's--get ready for Natasha and Daniel.This book is inspired by Big History (to learn about one thing, you have to learn about everything). In The Sun is Also a Star, to understand the characters and their love story, we must know everything around them and everything that came before them that has affected who they are and what they experience. Two teens--Daniel, the son of Korean shopkeepers, and Natasha, whose family is here illegally from Jamaica--cross paths in New York City on an eventful day in their lives--Daniel is on his way to an interview with a Yale alum, Natasha is meeting with a lawyer to try and prevent her family's deportation to Jamaica--and fall in love.