內容簡介 紐約時報最佳童書作者《The Flamingo: A Graphic Novel Chapter Book》《The Only Child》Guojing作品 年輕女孩發現公園的椅子下,蜷縮著一隻小狗狗,牠看起來有點邋遢,有點孤獨,還有點害怕。女孩輕柔的哄著狗狗,靠近狗狗,但每每女孩一靠近,狗狗就逃離。女孩很有耐心,還是每天靠近狗狗,和狗狗打招呼。有一天。女子帶著網球前來,狗狗還是怯怯的顯得有點心動了。女孩有事離開,沒想到狗狗竟跟隨女孩離去,但突然的暴風雨把狗狗被困住了。女孩擔心狗狗沒有遮蔽,打算返回公園,卻發現狗狗就在家附近呢!不間斷溫柔與耐心的灌溉,與一場突如其來的暴風雨,凝聚狗狗與人類的友誼。一本溫柔雋永的無字繪本。【走進閱讀世界|迷誠品:專文推薦】標題|牠們用全部的生命愛你:讀完只想抱緊處理的狗狗繪本推薦! #海狗房東撰文|海狗房東・編輯|陳阿髮若你曾經有幸和狗一起生活,以下開放填空:「狗是____」,你會填入什麼詞呢?朋友?夥伴?家人?毛小孩? 有沒有可能是英雄?因為牠們用全部的生命愛你,將你從自棄的狀態中營救出來。或者是大智若愚的修行者?早已達到「活在當下」的境界。多半時候,可能就只是你的鐵粉吧,跟前跟後,望向你的眼神充滿愛意,這樣也就足夠了。 現實生活中有各種狗,繪本故事中也是,而且讀者還能看見更多面向,有些添加了一些想像,有些則是在情感面上細細打磨。☞點此進入迷誠品閱讀文章From the creator of the New York Times best-illustrated children's book award winner The Only Child, comes a gorgeous and moving wordless picture book that's perfect for dog lovers.In this heartwarming, wordless picture book that's perfect for dog lovers, a woman visits a park and discovers a pup hiding under a bench--scruffy, scared, and alone. With gentle coaxing, the woman tries to befriend the animal, but the dog is too scared to let her near. Day after day, the woman tries--and day after day, the dog runs away. With perseverance and patience--and help from an enticing tennis ball--a tentative friendship begins. But it's not until a raging storm forces the two together that a joyous and satisfying friendship takes hold. Guojing poignantly explores how trust doesn't always come easily, but how, over time, and with kindness and determination, forever love can grow.Praise for The Only Child:A New York Times Best Illustrated Book"
作者介紹 GUOJINGGUOJING is a New York Times best illustrated children's book recipient for her debut book, The Only Child. She is an illustrator and concept artist from the Shanxi Province of China. She began drawing at an early age, and completed her BFA from Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts in 2006. She has worked as a Concept Artist on games and children's television shows, and first conceived the idea for Puchio while working in animation in Singapore.