Port Side Pirates! (+CD) | 誠品線上

Port Side Pirates! (+CD)

作者 Oscar Seaworthy/ Mark Collins
出版社 Barefoot Books USA
商品描述 Port Side Pirates! (+CD):Traversethehighseaswithalivelybandofbuccaneersastheyenjoyamelodicadventureaboardtheirgalleon.Includesfuninformationabouthistoricalpira


內容簡介 Traverse the high seas with a lively band of buccaneers as they enjoy a melodic adventure aboard their galleon. Includes fun information about historical pirates, pirates around the world, and even a helpful chart naming the parts of a ship. Includes a dual-purpose audio and video CD to listen to the singalong on a CD player or listen and watch the video animation on a Mac or PC


書名 / Port Side Pirates! (+CD)
作者 / Oscar Seaworthy Mark Collins
簡介 / Port Side Pirates! (+CD):Traversethehighseaswithalivelybandofbuccaneersastheyenjoyamelodicadventureaboardtheirgalleon.Includesfuninformationabouthistoricalpira
出版社 / Barefoot Books USA
ISBN13 / 9781846866678
ISBN10 / 1846866677
EAN / 9781846866678
誠品26碼 / 2680804009003
頁數 / 32
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 26X25.4CM
級別 / N:無
