內容簡介 搖一搖、轉一轉、抖一抖 趕走可愛小怪物 指令互動遊戲書你的書裡有一隻小怪物!快,搖一搖,把牠搖走。竟然還在!換搔牠的腳,把牠「癢」走!ㄜ,失敗,牠還在。用大風吹吹走他,還是失敗…。接著用天旋地轉功、抖抖功…,小怪物即使翻天覆地了,手還是拼命抓著書。這次使出大聲功,要很大聲,再大聲一點,終於把小怪物趕走了。 可是,這時卻覺得小怪物有點可憐,好吧,你回來吧!真的啦!不要害怕。怪獸露出頭確認,他不敢出來,小朋友大聲一點歡迎牠出來!終於出來了!好好地待在這,睡個好覺,我們把書闔起來吧!本書和小黃點有異曲同工之妙,作者設計各種動作指令和讀者互動。不過,對象是可愛的小怪物。初次聽到小怪物,第一個念頭是想盡辦法:用吹的用抖的用搖的…甩走牠。可是怪物可愛又不傷人,幾次交手下來,覺得牠挺可憐,又善心大發,召喚牠回來,是一本可以讓小孩大力互動又溫柔呼喚的互動書。Bestselling author of the 'Dinosaur that Pooped' series and The Christmasaurus, Tom Fletcher, has written a brand new picture book perfect for bedtime, where a mischievous monster has invaded the pages of your child's book!This read-aloud, interactive picture book treat invites children to make magic happen page by page, tilting, spinning and shaking the book, and then seeing the funny results when each page is turned. A fantastic celebration of all the fun that can be had with a book, with a wonderful wind-down bedtime ending!