內容簡介 本書是英國大文豪Charles Dickens的文學鉅著《Oliver Twist》,這個大家耳熟能詳的故事名稱叫做《孤雛淚》。故事從一個寒冬中在孤兒院前一個響亮的嬰兒哭聲開始,Oliver的母親因為一段無法公開的戀情而懷了這個小孩,因此她離家出走,但是她無法撫養這個孩子,因此她把這個孩子遺棄在孤兒院的門口,不過在孤兒院的生活可說是一場嚴酷的考驗,如監獄般的生活讓他九歲的時候逃離這個沒有人性的孤兒院,Oliver到了棺材店去當學徒,不過仍是過著被虐待的痛苦命運,逃亡的生活再次開展,還好這一次他在路上遇到了仁慈的老先生,沒想到卻是一個詐騙集團,接踵而至的悲慘命運並沒有擊倒Oliver,最後在兩位善心人士的幫助下,他終於離開了街頭生活,並且找到自己的親人。這本經典小說是英國企鵝集團旗下的Puffin出版社重新出版十二本經典青少年文學的其中一本。
作者介紹 Charles Dickens (1812–70) is one of the most recognized celebrities of English literature. His imagination, wit, mastery of the language and huge creative output single him out as one of the few people who genuinely deserve to be called genius. He had a poverty-stricken childhood and was determined to improve himself. By his early twenties he found a job as a parliamentary reporter and in his spare time wrote sketches of London life for newspapers and magazines. The publication of Pickwick Papers (1836) brought him the fame and fortune he craved. He wrote many other famous books including Oliver Twist, Great Expectations and A Christmas Carol.