內容簡介 本書詳細介紹人體結構,包括細胞、骨架、器官與肌肉,更提供一組能夠親手組裝的人體模型零件,寓教於樂的設計概念,讓孩子在玩樂中學習,認識人體結構,享受嶄新的學習經驗與組裝樂趣!有句希臘古諺說得好:「認識自己。」而認識自己的關鍵之一,就是了解人體構造。《Build the Human Body》一書能讓孩子認識人體結構,並且透過自己親手組裝人體模型,同時分辨清楚內臟器官的分布位置。這本書讓孩子在玩樂中學習,從零開始組裝拼湊人體模型,書中的彩色插圖與人體知識,也絕對能讓小讀者們能對人體獲得不同於以往的全新認知。隨書附贈的組裝零件可讓孩子完整組出一組立體人體模型,除了能在家中組裝使用,也便於外出攜帶,讓孩子無論走到哪,都能玩到哪!
作者介紹 Richard Walker, BSc, PhD, trained originally as a zoologist and gained his PhD in physiology and biochemistry. Richard taught both secondary school and university students for a number of years before embarking on a successful career as a writer and consultant. His books include Kingfisher Knowledge: Human Body (Kingfisher, 2006), Your Amazing Body (Carlton Books, 2008), and Eyewitness Human Body (Dorling Kindersley, 2009).