Under Earth, Under Water | 誠品線上

Pod Ziemią, Pod Wodą

作者 Aleksandra Mizielinska/ Daniel Mizielinski
出版社 Templar Company PLC.
商品描述 Under Earth, Under Water:用一本書,讓人了解腳底下的所有知識!●驚奇大跨頁超大開本,雙封面設計,破解地球文明的圖解大百科!●海陸大鬥陣又冰又熱的終極紀實,精采重


內容簡介 用一本書,讓人了解腳底下的所有知識!●驚奇大跨頁 超大開本,雙封面設計,破解地球文明的圖解大百科!●海陸大鬥陣 又冰又熱的終極紀實,精采重現兩個世界!●遠近大視角 壯闊奇觀、細膩幽微的奧祕盡收眼底!●科學超圖解 25種酷知識,50個跨頁,愛地球公民的必修課!華麗大場景展現大型畫面的藝術功力,氣勢磅礡你知道最早的潛水衣不是完全密封的,潛水員要用幫浦把水打出去嗎?你想看看鐵達尼號在帶給大家淒美浪漫的愛情故事之後,如今靜靜躺在海底的模樣嗎?你知道地球上最深的天然洞穴可以容納幾個艾菲爾鐵塔嗎?《地下世界.水下世界》包含了地球科學、海洋生物學、洞穴學、潛水技術、潛艇發展、穴居動物、礦物、地下管線系統等五花八門的學科類別,用最大的篇幅、最巧奪天工的插畫,深入淺出的講解一般人較少碰觸的知識,補足資訊缺口。看不到地底下的世界?《地下世界.水下世界》畫給你看!Hundreds of fascinating facts are waiting to be unearthed in this latest book from Aleksandra and Daniel Mizielinski, the creative duo behind the bestselling Maps. Dive below the surface, and find out what happens under the earth and under the water. From early submarines and deep-sea life, to burrowing animals and man-made tunnels - you will never look at the world in the same way again! Gorgeous design and quirky illustrations make this a book to be pored over again and again."


作者介紹 About the AuthorAleksandra Mizielinska and Daniel Mizielinski graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw in 2007. In 2010 they were nominated for the Bologna Ragazzi Award and have since been nominated for the IBBY Honour List (2010).


書名 / Under Earth, Under Water
作者 / Aleksandra Mizielinska Daniel Mizielinski
簡介 / Under Earth, Under Water:用一本書,讓人了解腳底下的所有知識!●驚奇大跨頁超大開本,雙封面設計,破解地球文明的圖解大百科!●海陸大鬥陣又冰又熱的終極紀實,精采重
出版社 / Templar Company PLC.
ISBN13 / 9781783703647
ISBN10 / 1783703644
EAN / 9781783703647
誠品26碼 / 2681553132004
頁數 / 112
尺寸 / 37.7X28.1X1.9CM
裝訂 / 精裝
語言 / 英文
級別 /
