Fallen 4: Rapture | 誠品線上

墮落天使 4: 欣狂

作者 蘿倫.凱特
出版社 Penguin Random House LLC
商品描述 Fallen 4: Rapture:《紐約時報》暢銷作家蘿倫.凱特百萬書迷引頸期盼,《墮落天使》系列最終回!天使們必須阻止路西法,他們依著守望之書的指示,分頭前往威尼斯、維也納


內容簡介 《紐約時報》暢銷作家蘿倫.凱特百萬書迷引頸期盼,《墮落天使》系列最終回!天使們必須阻止路西法,他們依著守望之書的指示,分頭前往威尼斯、維也納、亞瓦倫去尋找古物。三樣古物。九天期限。古物將會顯現天使墜落人間的地點,在那兒,持續千年的戰爭將迎接最終的結局。還有露西和丹尼爾的命運。若他們能躲過天秤的追擊,順利阻止路西法的墜落,最後他們會變成什麼樣?他們的愛將會得到獎賞?還是像那些為了拯救露西而獻出生命的天使一樣,灰飛煙滅……RAPTURE, the fourth & final FALLEN novel, is the Lauren Kate book the world has been waiting for.The sky is dark with wings. . . .Like sand through an hourglass, time is running out for Luce and Daniel. To stop Lucifer from erasing the past, they must find the place where the angels fell to earth.Dark forces are after them, and Daniel doesn’t know if he can do this — live only to lose Luce again and again. Yet together they face an epic battle that will end with lifeless bodies . . . and angel dust. Great sacrifices are made. Hearts are destroyed.And suddenly Luce knows what must happen. For she was meant to be with someone other than Daniel. The curse they’ve borne has always and only been about her — and the love she cast aside. The choice she makes now is the only one that truly matters. In the fight for Luce, who will win?The astonishing conclusion to the FALLEN series. Heaven can’t wait any longer.


作者介紹 ■作者簡介蘿倫.凱特(Lauren Kate)The Betrayal of Natalie Hargrove和《墮落天使》小說系列(《墮落天使》、《試煉》、《烈愛》、《墜入愛河》)的國際知名暢銷作家,她的書被翻譯成超過三十種語言。她和丈夫住在洛杉磯。請造訪她的網站:www.laurenkatebooks.net 。


書名 / Fallen 4: Rapture
作者 / 蘿倫.凱特
簡介 / Fallen 4: Rapture:《紐約時報》暢銷作家蘿倫.凱特百萬書迷引頸期盼,《墮落天使》系列最終回!天使們必須阻止路西法,他們依著守望之書的指示,分頭前往威尼斯、維也納
出版社 / Penguin Random House LLC
ISBN13 / 9780307977670
ISBN10 / 0307977676
EAN / 9780307977670
誠品26碼 / 2680767268004
頁數 / 464
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20.8X14X3CM
級別 / N:無
