內容簡介 親愛的動物園 書+小棕狗布偶禮物組有個小小孩好想要養寵物,於是他寫信給動物園,希望他們送一隻動物來!沒想到,送來一個好大的箱子!是什麼動物啊…!?打開,天啊是大象!怎麼當寵物啊!只好把牠送回。接著動物園又寄來新寵物,箱子好高、好長…是什呢?一打開是長頸鹿,也不適合,只好又退回。動物園又陸續送來各式各樣的箱子,有的上面還寫著「危險」,到底是哪些動物呢?小讀者手指頭翻翻,猜猜看箱子裡裝是什麼動物吧!最後小小孩有沒有得到適合的寵物呢?Rod Campbell's classic lift-the-flap book Dear Zoo has been a firm favourite with toddlers and parents alike since it was first published in 1982. This beautifully presented gift edition includes a hardback of the classic lift-the-flap book and a soft Dear Zoo puppy toy – great to cuddle whilst reading!Young children will love discovering the animals the zoo has sent – a monkey, a lion and even an elephant! But will they ever manage to send the perfect pet? The Dear Zoo Book and Toy Gift Set is an ideal present for Christmas, birthdays and Christenings!"