內容簡介 織網大作戰 不放棄的小蜘蛛 認識形狀 Walter是一隻蜘蛛,牠織的網鬆鬆的,容易垮,牠希望跟朋友一樣,能織漂亮的網。於是Walter從三角形開始試,但咻咻咻,風一吹,垮了。Walter再試正方形,又垮。接著長方形、菱形、圓形也都被風吹毀了,Walter幾乎要放棄了…。但他還是想織出漂亮的網,他想到一個沒織過的形狀,深吸一口氣,開始!從第一顆星星出來開始織,到月亮掛高高,最後成功啦!Walter美麗的網包含各種形狀,在月光下閃閃發亮呢! Why make an ordinary web when you can make one that's extraordinary?Meet a determined little spider who can't seem to spin a perfect web. Whoosh goes the wind as it blows each web away! But one thing Walter can spin is spectacular shapes and one day he spins the most spectacular shape of all! It's better than perfect - it's a truly wonderful web.Walter's Wonderful Web is another brilliantly conceived, beautifully written and wonderfully illustrated concept board book from the award-winning Tim Hopgood. A perfect introduction to shapes for all babies and toddlers, with bold and stylish illustrations that will appeal to all!