內容簡介 綿羊蘿拉總是細心呵護羊毛,保持光滑、柔順。 因此被迫剪毛後讓她格外沮喪, 而且長回來的羊毛變得狂野、雜亂,還打結。 幸好蘿拉發現,雜亂的羊毛有著意外的用處。 綿羊蘿拉的羊毛很特別,因為細心保養,總是光滑柔順,從不打結。 但是炙熱夏天來臨,被迫剪毛後,自豪的羊毛消失了! 蘿拉難過的躲到遙遠山丘,靜靜等待…… 羊毛雖然長回來,卻變得狂野雜亂,還打結。 幸好,蘿拉發現雜亂的羊毛有個意想不到的用處。 正是因為它,蘿拉交到了好朋友。 Lola the sheep has the most extraordinary wool. It's soft and silky and is her pride and joy! But down on the farm, when the sun comes out, the wool comes off! Poor Lola is so upset by her haircut that she runs away to the far side of the farm where she sits all alone, waiting for it to grow back. And when it does, its no longer silky, it's completely wild! But with it comes a wonderful surprise...Thanks to a tiny chick, this self-obsessed sheep learns an important life lesson; that great friendships are more important than simply having great hair.Another funny, thoughtful and unique picture book from award-winning, Gemma Merino, author of the best-selling The Crocodile Who Didn't Like Water and The Cow who Climbed a Tree."