內容簡介 大師級繪本作家約翰.伯寧罕的第一本作品60週年紀念版 榮獲凱特格林威大獎 一隻無毛鵝總是受到同儕排擠。鵝家族要南飛過冬時,還拋下了牠。孤單的鵝只好獨自冒險。幸好,牠最終找到了新朋友,從此展開新的生活。 英國大師級繪本作家約翰.伯寧罕在成為繪本作家之前,原是平面設計師,1963年出版第一本繪本《Borka》,旋即獲得凱特格林威大獎,伯寧罕也就此找到自己的定位,從此成為繪本作家。他一生累積了六十餘本作品,每一本都擄獲孩子的心。《Borka》至今已發行60年,為紀念約翰.伯寧罕,推出紀念版,值得讀者珍藏。 Odd appearances don’t get in the way of adventure in a jubilant new edition of John Burningham’s very first picture book, back by popular demand.Mr. and Mrs. Plumpster are delighted when their six eggs hatch into adorable baby goslings. But one has them worried: Borka, who was born without feathers. The doctor encourages Mrs. Plumpster to knit Borka a fuzzy sweater, but while it helps keep out the cold, it doesn’t keep all the other young geese from teasing Borka — until, come migration day, her siblings fly off without her. What is the tearful goose to do? In a brand-new edition of his debut book for children —awarded a prestigious Kate Greenaway Medal in 1963 — the incomparable John Burningham turns a sad beginning into a whimsical tale of pluck and serendipity, kindness and kindred spirits, as he celebrates the rare birds among us.