內容簡介 樂高聖誕節點子 附麋鹿樂高零件 寒冷的冬天,窩在家,一起做樂高最好了。做什麼好呢?這裡有50個聖誕節最應景的點子,例如,雪人、雪花、愛心、禮物盒、拐杖糖、聖誕樹、麋鹿、給小矮人送禮物專用的小小門﹙還有讓小矮人鍛鍊體力的戶外健身器、滑竿、跳圈圈﹚、殺時間的圈圈叉叉桌遊、可愛企鵝的逛街大遊行…絕對讓孩子忙個夠,充實迎接倒數。隨書附麋鹿樂高零件。Need to keep a little LEGO® fan entertained over the holiday season? Packed full of original, inspirational build ideas for LEGO holiday decorations, gifts, and games, LEGO® Christmas Ideas is perfect for LEGO fans and children who enjoy building and crafting. Building ideas include tree decorations, a family of adorable penguins, an obstacle course for elves-in-training, quick LEGO building challenges suitable for the whole family, and many more things to make and do. You won't run out of ideas over the holiday season with this perfect stocking-stuffer.50 winter holiday-themed activities will keep kids busy counting down to and throughout the winter holidays. The book comes with all the bricks you need to make an exclusive festive LEGO mini model!"