內容簡介 一本啟發我們認識樹、愛樹,進而起身保護樹的知識繪本樹對你來說是什麼樣的存在呢?你有曾經停下腳步,觀察佇立在路邊的行道樹嗎?一整片的森林,擁有一大片的樹木,但你知道樹木彼此間會互相照應,整座森林的樹都是有連結的嗎?一棵樹,可以提供多少動物棲息呢?樹的種類有哪些?平時在生活中,有多少不同種類的樹木呢?你可以叫得出來樹木的各種部位嗎?樹木的用途和奧秘博大精深,透過這本精美的知識圖文書,一同探索樹的奧妙,認識世界各地特別的樹,樹木也在人的一生中,扮演著不同的角色,到底樹木人類的重要性為何呢?讓我們一起翻開書頁,一同探索與反思吧!Learn about the amazing natural science of trees in this gorgeously illustrated nature and science ebook. From the highest branch and leaf down to the complex "wood wide web " of roots, every part of a tree plays an important role in its own growth and the habitat of the whole forest or woodland.Did you know that trees take care of each other and that the whole forest is connected? The Magic & Mystery of Trees takes children on a fascinating journey of exploration, showing them just how special these mighty organisms are. Discover how they communicate and warn each other of predators, how they nurture their networks, record the past, and anticipate the future to ensure their survival. Learn amazing tree facts, meet extraordinary trees from around the world and learn about the habitats they create. Find out what trees do for us and how to make your community a greener place by planting your very own tree!"