內容簡介 噠噠噠!恐龍來啦! 洞洞穿梭 場景變換 硬頁遊戲書 獨特的洞洞書遊戲書,洞洞開在書頁正中央,立起,成為場景分界。撥開封面的小紙偶 即可進行各種地點(樹頂、腕龍長脖子交錯而成的洞、火山腳下、腕龍的腳邊)的穿梭。噠噠噠,小腕龍踩著有力的步伐,一路往前走,經過森林、沼澤、河流、高山、火山、瀑布…一路上看三角龍吵架、甲龍抓魚、暴龍攀岩、棘龍抓魚…最後來到小腕龍爸爸媽媽的身旁,此時腕龍媽咪召喚:「跑一整天,該睡覺啦!」Discover a prehistoric dinosaur world and meet some roar-some dino friends along the way!Push and play your way through the story in this fun, interactive board book. Push out the dinosaur play piece on the front cover and follow the dinosaur footprints through the eight pop-up scenes where you'll discover lots of big and small dinosaurs.'Push and Play' is an innovative board book that allows children to interact with the characters and to use their imagination to explore the story and pictures on each page."