內容簡介 樂高也STEAM! 附零件,可做8個搖搖趣味機器人62個樂高零件,10張已軋型,不需工具即可剝下的趣味紙模,和64頁全彩完整步驟的說明手冊,跟著圖片步驟動動手,利用齒輪、車軸、曲柄等,就能做出8種手動搖搖,像活塞一樣運作的機器人。有章魚DJ,牠的8隻手瘋狂刷碟,很忙。趴趴go變色龍,牠穿著南洋風情襯衫,長腳騎乘,很優閒。還有專為香蕉猴設計的手力發動車,手夠長的才駕馭得了。另外還有三眼大頭怪、大頭敲敲機器、小火龍飛飛飛、山怪、直升機怪和傻傻機器三兄弟…,讀者只要轉動搖桿,造型搞笑的機器人便會跟著律動,搖愈快,律動愈瘋狂,歡笑停不下來。Build STEM-driven models, such as DJ Bubbles (an octopus spinning records), a pterodactyl, a yeti, and much more! Kinetic sculptures, or automata, are mechanically engineering toys that move when you crank the handle on the side. They move through a series of axles, cams, and cranks that work like the pistons in an engine. Each model includes a papercraft character that you fold and link with LEGO elements."