內容簡介 鬼才導演提姆波頓 聖誕夜驚魂 立體書立體書大師Matthew Reinhart 紙上巧手重現 歡笑25年的黑色幽默 怪誕城小鎮住著一群以嚇人為樂的居民,鎮上的首腦南瓜王阿積,厭倦於一成不變的萬聖節活動。 某次,造訪溫馨的耶誕歡樂城後,阿積決定要和居民聯手過個不一樣的聖誕節。阿積要綁架聖誕老人,由自己取而代之;召集居民扮成各種聖誕鬼怪,吩咐梵谷斯坦博士做骷顱麋鹿,而博士創造出來的莎莉更為阿積打造帥氣的聖誕裝。不過阿積沒料想到有個大壞蛋惡巫先生 Oogie Boogie 暗中計劃著毀滅聖誕老人…1993年上映的《聖誕夜驚魂》至今已經25年了,在2018年重新以立體書的方式,呈現其恐怖又歡樂的耶誕城。打造本書的立體師大書Matthew Reinhart 提到,他特別喜歡提姆波頓的黑色幽默和異想,更因為提姆的啟發,而夢想成為童書創作者。在這5大跨頁的立體書中,Matthew Reinhart更加入了怪誕城的聖誕倒數曆,絕對是2018年冬天,讓你又驚魂又歡笑的聖誕佳品!Experience Tim Burton's iconic film like never before with this nightmarish pop-up of monstrous proportions! From the renowned paper engineer Matthew Reinhart comes a mind-blowing retelling of this classic story in gravity-defying pop-up artwork on every page. A celebration marking the twenty-fifth anniversary of the groundbreaking movie, this is the perfect item for avid The Nightmare Before Christmas fans, holiday ghouls, and undead merrymakers alike."
作者介紹 Matthew Christian ReinhartMatthew Christian Reinhart attended Pratt Institute in Brooklyn as an industrial design major (concentrating in toy design). Pratt was fantastic experience for him, but his initial dreams of being a toy designer soon transformed into paper engineer. After working with Robert on books like The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, A B C Disney, and Movable Mother Goose. Matthew made his first big break into the pop-up world with The Pop Up Book Of Phobias. Many books collaborations have followed, including a trilogy of New York Times best-selling Encyclopedia Prehistorica and the following series Encyclopedia Mythologica with Robert Sabuda, along with Mommy?, co-authored with the renowned Maurice Sendak and Brava Strega Nona with the ageless Tomie DePaola. His solo pop-up books include The Ark, Animal Popposites, The Jungle Book, Cinderella, The Pop-Up Book of Nursery Rhymes, and STAR WARS: Pop-Up Guide to the Galaxy. He continues to work and live in New York City, cutting, taping and folding paper into pop-up masterpieces.