內容簡介 Watch out, mice! This cat is a sumo champion!A stray kitty gets a job in a sumo stable, chasing mice in exchange for food. But when eating like a sumo wrestler slows our feline hero down, he realizes he must train like a wrestler, too. Through hard work and perseverance--and with a little help from a big buddy--SumoKitty is born! A funny and heartwarming story inspired by the Japanese saying "Fall down seven times, stand up eight. "【走進閱讀世界|迷誠品:專文推薦】標題|貓到深處無怨尤,吸不到貓就吸貓咪繪本吧! #繪本推薦撰文|海狗房東・設計|張軒甄・編輯|陳阿髮封面的主角貓近乎滿版,看起來霸氣十足,宛如級別最高的相撲橫綱力士,但牠是如何從一隻骨瘦如柴的野貓,變成過胖且動作遲緩遭鼠輩取笑的家貓,再成為封面這般氣勢懾人的相撲貓呢?此書故事融合許多格言,又嵌入了相撲文化和日式場景,喜歡收藏強烈風格作品的讀者絕對不要錯過。☞點此進入迷誠品閱讀文章"
作者介紹 David Biedrzycki isn't big enough to do sumo, but he did join the US Sumo Federation while working on this book. David is the author and illustrator of Groundhog's Runaway Shadow, as well as the Breaking News series, the Me and My Dragon series, and the Ace Lacewing, Bug Detective series. He has also illustrated many picture books, including The Beetle Alphabet Book and Dory Story.